
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

EQ=理性 IQ=感性



rich me poor me


fear, hatred, greed

abnormal people must be trained in abnormal way

abnormal people must train in abnormal way




wall and balls

if you sit on the wall, you'll hurt your balls




ts invest



not my problem

industry connections

打工 networking

be focus and be concentrate






objectives and goals


count the blessing and thanksgiving

know more size small

the more you know, the smaller you become a positive sense

communication and relationship

growth, change and struggle

back to reality

and start to work

想與做 think and act



action plan and year plan


平衡 balance


彈性 flexibility



龜兔 EQ IQ


兔=IQ=failure the racing story




Saturday, December 19, 2009


do not expect anyone to do anything for you

do not over expect yourself to do anything

affect your mood







opponent point of view



both sides of the coin

every matter has 2 sides and they are pros and cons

wrong none, wrong once

some faults once is too much

learn from experience

remember what you did wrong the first time and correct the faults in the second time round

multiple intelligence

intelligence training toys and games


rich me

poor me

taunton invest

taunton big spender/wise spender

trading/business card games


you will find following emotions always attached to any triad or mafia




Thursday, December 17, 2009

self learning and inspiring

teacher can only teach you what they know

good teachers should inspire their students for self learning and find ways to solve their own and others' problems

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

teenaids' coming event 1227

聖誕快樂 ''情緣

2009-12-27 () 2-6pm


地點:GM Kitchen (旺角)





收費: 會員 $130 非會員 $140 名額: 40


然後將費用存入觸動戶口 (中國銀行012-808-000281-37)

入數紙傳真或電郵給Ann ( 可以寄支票到本中心

(支票抬頭: 觸動輔導中心或Touch Counseling Centre),支票背面及給我們的入數收據需註明:


Tel: 2116 5733 Fax: 2870 3623



atty ching, touch counseling, touch theatre and teenaids

blog of atty ching

atty on air rthk

touch counseling centre

teenaids on facebook

teenaids' events photos

touch theatre

and connect to for more info

Monday, December 14, 2009

IQ negative and EQ positive



people with IQ tends to think negatively and be negative

people with EQ tends to think positively and be positive

take a step back

take a step back and the world would become much more wonderful

problems from choices

problems are generated from 'too many choices'

if we don't own anything, don't have anything, problems would not be there

a fire starts because we have something to burn with

in the city we have to think hard on what to wear, what to eat, what to buy, which friend to call and meet

think! if we have no clothes to wear, no food to eat, no money to buy, no friend to call or meet in the first place...where are all the problems gone...haha

so the poorest place on earth is where people find least worries and found most happiness

that's why the more we have and the richer we are the more unhappy and the more dissatisfy we becomes

all we need to do is to unload...unload what we have thats when our greed, our hatred, our fear and our problems be solved

Sunday, December 13, 2009

starts with labelling ends with none


correct labelling is key to a healthy mental and physical status

positive and encouragement

positive and encouragement belongs to someone with EQ

gain vs lose

if you gain something you bound to lose something

if you lose something you bound to gain something

everyone is gifted

everyone is gifted in some way, shape or form

key is to observe and find our gift and develop it well

create chances

you can either

wait for chances that appear in you life or

get your ass in gear and create chances for yourself

IQ vs EQ


IQ on its own=clever, smart but moody because their complicated thoughts cannot be expressed and shared with others due to very few people understands what they are thinking, impatient, tends to take advantage over others

people with IQ has many worries, many problems to worry about, the higher the IQ the more worry and problems appears in front of you

EQ: the higher the EQ the more we are able to solve problems

people with IQ is problems generator, people with EQ is problems solver

of course if you have both IQ and EQ would be best but if for me i would put EQ before IQ



Friday, December 11, 2009

now becomes past

do not live in the past

do not calculate the future

"focus on what you are doing"

now does not exist because now becomes the past

Monday, December 7, 2009


the effort between the champion and number two can be miles different

the more effort and under the right conditions and training methods will bring us success

in Buddhist way there are endless before and after life, every single thing we do in every single life counts

a tree is one metre taller than the other one, the root underground is several times more

a boxing champion is the one got punch most as rocky says: life is about how much you can take and keep moving forward, thats how winning is done...

no free lunch

when things are on offer, on discount vouchers or on promotions i would ignore them in most cases

my theory is:

i do not want to take advantage over anyone

i do not want anyone taken any advantage of me

always remember the old saying:

there is no free lunch...

Sunday, December 6, 2009

gifted education

Education Department Hong Kong

best vs worst

the best person has some bad points

the worst person has some good points

key is to find the good points in everyone and develop them well

gifted and rebel

there is a strong connection between gifted and rebel

the more gifted the person is the more rebel they are

the early age of gifted person's form is like jelly-not yet shaped

they are shaped in a whatever shape container we put them in-by that i mean if they are lead to do positive things they when become positive and if they are lead to think negative so they will too but their gift and talent will not be affected

their gift can be either covered and forgotten or found and developed

it is important to find and develop our gift in our early age, the earlier we correctly found and develop our gift the less we will hit our heads against hard walls and getting a permanant damage and lead to life, mood and society problems

different kinds of seeds needs different conditions to grow in and needs to be kept in different kinds of environment to prevent it from rotting, if we can identify the type of seeds and give them the right factors and conditions, i am sure the seed would turn into a healthy plant which will supply us with endless fruits and seeds in the age to come...

have said all that-I believe strongly in: ' we are all gifted in some way, shape or form, the key is to find it and develop it and we can be happy and successful'

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


I am thanksgiving that i can give

I give hope to my family and friends and people that meets me

I give up my health for doctors to feed their family

I give up my time and energy for social workers to earn their meal

I give up my money for clothes, food, accommodation and transportation and every cent i spent is to keep the economy growing, keep the world moving, keep the people living, keep everyone feeding

The more able i am the more i give
If i am not here many will suffer
So i thank myself that i can give


I once asked myself what is the meaning of life and what is the purpose of living

There are many answers after thinking hard for a while

I live/exist because there are lots of lives in need of my helping hand

I enjoy the process of living

I enjoy doing what i am doing

I enjoy being an ass...joking

I enjoy the the disabilities, the challenges, the difficulties and the game of life

The purpose of my existance is to help every single living thing to become Buddha and to "empty the hell out"...literally

Hope heaven won't become to crowded...haha

Friday, November 20, 2009


Fruit of thought cannot be expressed

Well expressed is not fruit of thought

Fine line

There is a fine line draw between genius and lunatic

some says the 'line' is non existance


'Why am I doing what I am doing', I once asked myself

'Because I am doing what I am doing' is the answer


Love solves most problems


Most problems comes from love


Talk to people above your level and you will learn

Talk to people at the same level as you and you will find resonance

Talk to people below your level and you will waste your time

Make sense

Things that make sense will work


Think and see from others point of view will bring you success


We all have different purposes in life

We all have different dreams and different targets in life

The best target is to benefit ourselves and benefit others

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Hong Kong Governement Head of IT

IT tender

Hong Kong Government Departments list

Cultural Centre Hong Kong

City Hall Hong Kong

Hong Kong Arts Museum

tai chi

my space online music

People's Republic of China online

Hong Kong Government online


online tv

perry chiu theatre shows



getty images

Chinese English dictionary


useful links

Monday, November 9, 2009


the best cover in life is to treat others as we would like to be treated

what goes round comes round

let Buddha, God and Allah take care of the rest

cover up

Frank: if you care and love yourself and your love ones you need to be covered

Mat: if you care and love me and my family, cover us


we thank the less able for giving us a chance to give

we thank the more able for giving us the chance to improve

bus ride

religious beliefs is like a bus ride to me

i want to get from A to B in life

sometimes i need to change bus to fulfil my journey

bus (religious theories) is only a tool that i use to fulfil my purpose of getting from A to B during my lifetime

we need to get there safely and on time and we need to make sure that we have enough money to pay the fare


make a change or live with it

do not moan and do not complaint


anyone and everyone has the right to do whatever they wish and want as long as they do not harm themselves or harm others

quit and leave

peer pressure is powerful

if you feel that you are affected negatively by your peer and that they cause you have a negative feeling or give pressure to you to try and force you or affect you to do anything against your wish

quit and leave as quick as you can

baby cans

on the flight, most drinks are in baby cans (small can that has a 50% volume than regular drinks can)

actually baby cans of soft drinks and beer can have a much higher profit margins

for our health and for the environment 'baby cans' help

for fanta, cola and beer (what i drink other than water) i only drink half a can for the purpose of health

i don't mind paying 75% of the price of a regular can to get a baby can because i do not have to waste the drink also i can care for my health and the enviroment


wise restaurants are getting better in Hong Kong nowadays

they keeps the same price and decreases the portions and add more vegetables in the meat

we are able to try more variety in a meal and take in more vegetables and lead to a much healthier body and mind

point of view

a same matter or a same person

if you look at it, him/her from different angles and from different points

the conclusion would always be different

supply demand

normally speaking a product or a service is expensive and will rise because the demand is more than the supply

if the supply is more than the demand the price of that product or service would fall


two university students are trying to share 2 packets of noodles that cooks in a pot

A cooked it

B seperate the noodles "fairly" in two bowls

A choose a bowl and eats

be fair

be square


am thankful for who i am and what i can give

hear the view and see the sound

i have a crazy thought that may benefit the blind and deaf

what would happen if the blind can hear the view and the deaf can see the sound

its all about reflection, recepting, transforming and transmitting messages to our brain

have a think...


be ready
if one day...
Buddha, God or Allah appear right in front on you...
what would you do...
how would you react...
be ready...
any moment now


the purpose of the existence of Buddha, God and Allah is to affect all living things including mankind in a positive way, shape or form

outter inner

our inner self is much more important then our outter shell

if we believe in Buddha, God or Allah, it is useless and hopeless to just wear our belief on the outside

whats more important is we are affected positively by them and their holy theories in the inside


we can choose how to live our life

if we anchor ourselves on positive and fond memories, we would become a happy bunny

Sunday, November 8, 2009


if a person try to direct you to whatever direction or tell you to do or buy something and when you get there, done it, bought it or believe in it that they would be benefited in some way, shape or form, then they do not worth trusting because they are bias and they put their own benefit before you and your benefit


when there is a special offer i always refuse

because i feel pity on those companies, i do not want to take advantages over them

whats more

i do not want advantages being taken of me


peace can be gained by eliminating the conflicts and differences of our inner and outter self

ghost and baby

what would happen if a ghost or devil try to scare a new born baby

have a think


many people use religion as a media to harm others for their own benefits

Buddha, God and Allah are not blind, those people would be punished

affect positively

we should only affect and be affected positively


our eyes is a pair of light receptive organ, our eyes recept light bounce off things so we are able to tell where things are

there are 2 girls, A is ugly, B is beauty
but if people always tell A that she is beauty and tell B that she is ugly

A would really thinks that she is beauty and B would really thinks herself is ugly

if there is no light, we cannot see

if there is no feedback, we do not know

try to encourage people around you and be encouraged by others

evil angel holy devil 邪惡天使 神聖惡魔

evil angel is starting to fall from the very top

holy devil is starting to rise from the very bottom

but what we should be looking for is the middle line

in fact there is no clean cut of right or wrong, devil and angel is only a joke

Saturday, November 7, 2009

fell down gets up

In western families when a baby fell down they need to get up on their own

In chinese families when a baby fell down their parents would help them to get up

The result is western babies learns to walk quicker then chinese babies

To some extent living things are learning by doing, we tends to question and disbelieve in what we are told and we tends to test or try things out ourselves and learn from our experience.

Having said that many things we just cannot try because they are addictive or life risking but many things are also worth trying, worth testing out and worth learning by doing.


a bottle of water cost nothing from the tab, cost ten bucks from a coffee shop, cost your life in the desert

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Judgement base on experience

We make decisions and decide right or wrong base on what we seen, heard, smelt and felt in the past

In another words our action is controlled by our past experience

We have to try and look at a matter in many different points of view before a sensible decision can be made.

The fact is we got told most of the things we know and that we have not yet experienced them ourselves

The westerners got told terrorism is bad and that we must fight and beat terrorism, they never ask why terrorism existed, why would someone has nothing better to do and go and give up their valuable life and be a terrorist??? What make them do that???

The british and americans always felt so and so countries are suffering so we have to save them by sending soldiers there, but what the news have not told them is their own countries has many people that needs to take care of.

In a more adult way of looking at it is, why would someone use their own pocket money to help others where themselves is in deep debt, is there something they can get in return?

Actually the best help they can do to the world is to pay back all the debt and stop being so nosy.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

messenger from above

i see myself as an messenger from above

i innovate lots of ideas everyday, many work and many doesn't, many got buried and many got fulfilled in practice

i like people to copy my ideas because i believe people would only copy good ideas and if my ideas got copied by others then my job as an messenger is done and that i have affected the world in a positive way

Monday, November 2, 2009

good man vs bad guy

when you are bad you tends to think everyone around you is bad and you always live in fear

but when you are honest and good to others you tends to think everyone around you is as honest and as good as yourself

you are the one to choose how you live your life

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


many parents forces their children to study, some kids forces themselves to study
some can't stand the pressure and lead to some bad habbits and put a lot of pressure on themselves

key is:
if something is bothering you-quit it

we all looking for a comfort life
we studying hard to get good results and we become workaholic

see those pity people working in large firms and big businesses, money and power never satisfy them, they always hunger for more.

we chinese have a word for those people, direct translation is 'hungry ghosts in hell where their throat is tiny as needle and tummy is big as a drum'

you can see people in africa and china and india the happy index is much higher than people in england and US

by happy i mean positive happiness, not the negative happiness gained by beating people in a football or basketball game and humiliating people and not by harming or hurting others physically and mentally to proof that you are a so called 'champion' or 'winner' to gain happiness

in china, india and africa, we are happy and thanksgiving to have water to drink or food to eat, happiness is very basic

but in UK or US people are happy for a short while by going shopping, a new i phone gives them a buzz, a text message from a mate gives them a buzz, but all these are build on taking advantages of other countries less able than themselves

its a shame and its a pity

Friday, October 23, 2009

m2228's services including...

Solutions design

Talent hub: talent, ability and career

Free self help courses

-Mood and counseling with NLP and hypnosis

-Sharing, 生命教育, 心靈導航

Charity and volunteering

Tai chi

Mind and mood and physical well being









Tuesday, October 20, 2009

觀點與角度 Viewpoints and perspectives

If we stands at different points and look at the same matter or person in different viewpoints we would have different perspectives, outcomes and results to the same matter.

confidence and affect

people with less confidence always got affected by people with more confidence than themselves

Monday, October 19, 2009

accept and agree with yourself

accept and agree with who yourself is, what yourself is doing and the situation yourself is in and what happened to yourself is a key to success

物以類聚 grouping

everyone and everything that groups together then they must share common points and there must be some or many similarities between them


everything we do and everyone we meet, there must be a 緣份 in between
緣份 is what made i meet 'who and what' i meet and made i do what i do

pattern of mood and action

there is a pattern of our mood and action
if we want to change the way we act, we have to trace back to the origin of why we have that mood and trace back to the first time and in what situation and mood which we set this pattern in and why and what made we act like this in the first time and try to modify and change from there

what goes round comes round

己所不欲 勿施於人
treat others as you like to be treated

Saturday, October 17, 2009

mood, action and communication

we need to find out or explain our action sometimes
normally we act and without aware and knowing why we act so
we have to communicate with ourselves and people around us

try and find out and explain our action and when we trace back to the origin there's how you can change

many people misunderstand themselves and others and ran into many arguments and fights but if we understand ourselves and explain ourselves well and gives a reason for what we do then in most cases people would understand where you are coming from and they may even help you for what you do

so understanding your own act and communicate well is a key to success

反叛與自發性 Rebellion and spontaneity

when we teach or lead we need to spark off the spontaneity in our clients
the more we tell them what to do and instruct them what to do and tell them can or cannot do this and that the more rebel they become

the more rebel the less spontaneity
key is to spark off their spontaneity like spark off an oil tank and let them explode
never give them a fire and burn for them
all they need is a tiny spark in their oil tank, a tiny spark in the right place

Thursday, October 15, 2009

failure and mistake

can you be a bigger failure and major mistake from
and last but not least
if not cheer up

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


think positively is one of the key to success

the result

experience is more important that the result in many cases


experience from experiment
experiment with experience

figure game

spending everyday is a number game
learn how to earn and spend wisely is the key to success


don't wanna be clever
don't wanna be smart
wanna be wise

think wisely
plan wisely
act wisely
make decisions wisely
earn wisely
spend wisely
baby oh behave wisely


we have learn to accept imperfection in order to gain success


we have to put things in priorities and in orders of importance
delete the unimportant tasks and focus on the important ones
we have to give and take, give up the non importance to gain time and energy for the importance

bin the rubbish and we would have more space to breath and display the needed
tidy our closet, house and mind

think in others shoes

stand at others position and see if you feel good about how others treats you the way you would treats them

treats others as you would like to be treated

truth and real world

although we should have free thoughts and imagination but if we drift too far from the truth and the real world we may be lost in the wonder world of imagination and thoughts of the non existence

success is putting imaginations into practice

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

cameraman and model

a good cameraman can produce nice pictures whether the model is good or not
a good model can produce nice pictures whether the cameraman is good or not


environment is the key to every problem, in order to solve problems the surrounding environment must change, by that i mean if a place is not suitable for yourself, leave and go somewhere else
find somewhere you feel comfortable and success will be along the way

if the setting of your computer desk or chair is bad then you bound to get injury of muscle and tendons, it is the environment, if you sit somewhere set up properly, the injury will recover and you can work comfortably and gain success easily


the common point of all mental health patients is: they tried to do things beyond their ability

in another words, if they plan what they do well and only take on things within their ability then their illness would disappear

mental illness is the mind overload and it shuts down and blocks out any more incoming signals to protect itself from damaging and overheat

the truth is too tough for them so the brain decides not to take anymore orders and basically it gives up functioning and shuts down for a rest till the problem passed by and the pressure released then the brain would lift the barrier and function normally again


Can you be a more failure then them






If not, cheer up


Many people in mental homes and in jail are people that care and people with heart, many leaders and so called successful people in society are people that play dirty tricks


You cannot teach a fish to walk, you don’t need to teach a fish to swim

education and feelings

An educated person is without feelings, they only use their head and never use their heart, the less educated people is, the more they use their heart and the less they use their head


if you go to so called high class wine parties when people says hi to you then they swift to others after a second and so on, those are act of the head and calculations of benefits and losses those are acts without heart

family karaoke

Go to karaoke with family is a good outing, it can bring a family together and it is a good time for bringing girlfriends and boyfriends to the family and for them to get to know each other.

schools and learning

In Hong Kong parents treat their children as morons so they act so, we need to give them a free hand for trial and error within a certain extent, we can only learn when we tried it, baring in mind that many things cannot be tried and we can give examples and case studies for them to understand and learn there and then.

Nowadays the education in Hong Kong is like a primary school kids may know very well how to drive a rocket to space but he/she may doesn’t even know how to clean themselves


Love cannot be calculated and there is no equations for love, love cannot be compared, exchanged, purchased or returned.


Anyone would find frictions between people close to you especially family members and between parents and children


We existed in the same place, at different points in time

Monday, October 12, 2009

mental health

everyone has got mental illness in a sense, no ones mood can be average at all times and if you are being critical-not balanced and non averaged mood is called mental illness

Sunday, September 6, 2009

m2228 IT solutions network international

we provides IT solutions for clients including online solutions and websites design, create and management with innovative ideas

our friendly and supportive website creating team will bring most up to date web technologies and web solutions to you and your business

if you or anyone you know would like to apply your ideas or start a business online

please email us for further discussion upon your need

our email:

House of Tea (Hong Kong)

most kinds and qualities of Chinese Tea is available with us
please email us to find out more
our email:

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

m2228 prices plans 收費方式

Home user or charity organizations: free of charge

家庭用戶及慈善組織: 免費

Small business user: 50% of monthly profit every month

商業用戶: 每月利潤的一半

Business Gold: Hong Kong dollars 2228 per month every month

黃金用户: 2228元正

m2228 prices plans

Home user or charity organizations: free of charge

家庭用戶及慈善組織: 免費

Small business user: 50% of monthly profit every month

商業用戶: 每月利潤的一半

Business Gold: Hong Kong dollars 2228 per month every month

黃金用户: 2228元正

Friday, July 10, 2009

Monday, June 29, 2009

m2228 group's services

m2228 集團/group websites:

chill chat consultation 當下談心 顧問服務

jade stone age 玉器時代

herbs house 藥師舍

official photography 官方攝影

香港補習/tutor hong kong

m2228 創意網页製作團隊/inno websites creating team

m2228 連結平台/connection platform ( )

m2228 sell on sell services:
if you would like us to purchase any goods for you in Hong Kong, we would be happy to help with 20% service charge only


m2228 創作比賽/Inno competition

m2228上樓跳蚤市場/m2228 services and jobs market

m2228 藝術 娛樂/entertainments and modelling management

早餐商業顧問/breakfast business consulting

'茶'約會/Tea dating Club

suggestions are most welcome:

please share with us your point of views, ideas and suggestions

your suggestions will help us benefit you and others

many thanks in advance


Sunday, June 28, 2009

Saturday, June 27, 2009

learn to appreciate


Sunday, June 7, 2009

the mad buddha


the linker


Saturday, June 6, 2009

all from a will




grouping theory by matthew Ma




colors, religion, race, country, gender, job, school, companies, brands...etc...etc

words: a quiet word

修禪 思

the fish theory by matthew Ma

you won't gain success in teaching a fish to walk

you won't need to teach a fish to swim



by matthew 馬

buddha of now


love is so simple


little wooden boat



by 童麗

door of last year










Friday, June 5, 2009

wooden fish




poem by the wine meat buddha



by 濟公活彿

the power of 'will'






the power of now

Thursday, June 4, 2009

it ain't about how hard you hit

it ain't about how hard you hit
its about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward-
how much you can take and keep moving forward
thats how winning is done

Wednesday, June 3, 2009




bananas by matthew Ma


arts by matthew Ma

buddha by matthew Ma

flowers by matthew Ma

bible opening











real happiness




Thursday, May 28, 2009

m2228 group's services

mat meeting buddha

mat's lessons in life

arts gallery of master matthew Ma

matthew Ma and fellow photographers' gallery:

短片YouTube (menu videos on m2228)

m2228 官方博客/group official blog (most updated and current blog, frequent updating)

m2228 慈善/charity blog

m2228 緍姻/marriage blog

m2228 指引/menu blog

business cards got given to mat

official photographer-matthew Ma

professional photographer in UK and Hong Kong since 2004

specialise in 100% natural sunlight photography 自然光攝影

bikini and lingerie photography 內衣, 比基尼泳裝

wedding wear photography 婚禮服裝

evening wear photography 晚禮服

casual wear photography 休閒裝

indoor artificial lighting photography 室內女性肖像攝影

please click on the link below for my portfolio and work samples:

chill chat consultation 當下談心 顧問服務

we are here to be your listener and gives you feedbacks and solutions to help you solve your problems that arises in your life.

我們的角色是您的聆聽者 會和您分析及與您商議解決問題的方法

telephone and text message mailbox/電話及短信信箱: 852 91940869

Thursday, May 21, 2009

herbal and herbs from Hong Kong

quality chinese herbs from Hong Kong China available for order
for retail and wholesale
enquiries email:

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

jade stone art

email to to enquire for prices
100% natural A grade jade stones from Burma and Yun Nan
certification available on request for each and every single one of our items

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009