
Sunday, December 30, 2012

無形容詞 無名詞 no label no adjective no noun

無形容詞 無名詞
no label no adjective no noun

no n none

no n none

‘it all seeded n started from adjectives and nouns that you put on things to make it come true

stop using adjectives and nouns labels is the key to your locked cell’

ghosts cannot scare babies

you must learnt what a ghost is before ghosts can scare you

we are so happy during baby times, the older we get, the less happy we become, why?

because from birth onwards we learn to put adjectives and nouns labels on anything and everything

we learn different rules and measurements to measure and compare ourselves with

things become relative, yin and yang, black and white, right and wrong and we become happy and sad with questions and problems arising

our memory bank store more and more bad experiences and feelings, in order to prevent them from happening again, we become cold blooded and freeze up our heart feelings, to feel good and for self benefit, we can do anything and everything needed 

if you become so ill that your soul mind and feelings is jailed, my method is for you:

you feel bad?
what is bad?

bad comes to life when you describe it with the adjective bad and with a noun of yourself relate to it

your brain trace back to the memory bank of model responses and feelings to make you feel truly bad with related bad thoughts speeches and actions correspond to your adjectives and nouns effects from every part of you expressing and acting these actions to express your feelings

it all seeded n started from adjectives and nouns that you put on things to make it come true

stop using adjectives and nouns labels is the key to your locked cell

Saturday, December 29, 2012

no adjective no noun no label

no adjective no noun no label

“adjectives and nouns labels controls n jails our mood and soul

to jail break, stop using adjectives and nouns labels

full stop”

from birth we started to learn adjectives, nouns and labels anything and everything we know

as we get to around 30 years old, our adjectives nouns and labels bank is exploding with many ill meanings and bad experiences links to them which drag us down

adjectives nouns and labels is the seed which grows roots stem leafs etc

when we use adjectives and nouns to label people matter n stuff, we traces through the roots to the fruits of good and bad experiences stored in our memory which effects our mood with thoughts speeches and actions which controls us

we have soul so we have mood

soul have mood due to these nouns and adjectives labels 

adjectives and nouns labels controls n jails our mood and soul

to jail break, stop using adjectives and nouns labels

full stop

Sunday, December 23, 2012

苦惱? 不安? 不和?



對象:子女 父母 夫婦 情侶
           兄弟姊妹 上司下屬

電話 ∕ SMS / whatsapp / 留言:

馬碩鴻 (matthew ma)

Wednesday, December 19, 2012



everything represents themselves

when we hear someone swear, scream, shout or hit us, we would be very angry and revenge, hitting them back or something

if we are a baby, would that be different?

yes, we don’t know the words, the sound and the action represent

they are just feelings, when it hit us, it hit us, then its gone

as we grow old, our mind are full of labels

this mean that and that mean this, we become more and more messed up and confused

actually, what we feel is what we feel
it hit us, it hit us, its gone, its gone
no symbolic
no relation
no memory
light life



flexible, here and now

adapt to change any moment

accept and appreciate limitations

communicate, appreciate, cherish, respect and faith

communication is needed between souls

if we cannot change, we should adapt

we should accept now and utilize what we have

many use communication advantages to benefit themselves over ones less able to communicate than themselves 

many communicate well but others pretend not getting the message for their own good

wise men knows feelings of others and themselves and make others and themselves feel good as a result and target

clever and smart guys knows the feelings of themselves and others but they choose to benefit themselves and sacrifice the feelings of others

dull boy don’t know the feelings of themselves and others and they harm others and themselves by doing not appropriate actions with their raw feelings.

write straight from heart and never check what i write...this is matthew ma

self II

self II

when Jon’s parents divorce they feel guilty when they face Jon and they use cash n luxury goods to exchange for Jon’s acceptance and forgiveness

no matter Jon accept or reject the cash and goods will do no difference to the decision, fact and result of his parents separation

in other words, Jon’s parents love themselves more than they love Jon

shall Jon accept cash and goods?

key is the cash and goods is symbolic for contract of acceptance of exchange for forgiveness which is not quite right and fair

Jon’s parents is responsible for forever for this damage done to Jon and no matter what they do they can never get even with Jon

cash and presents does not equal to getting even

what can Jon do?

Jon can do nothing but accept the limitations of the selfishness of human including his parents

If one day he is dad of others he could love his children more than he love himself.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012



Jon’s parents use money and luxury goods to exchange Jon’s acceptance of their divorce

Although what Jon truly need is a family but this cannot come true because his parents put their own feelings and benefits before jon’s

they love themselves more than they love Jon

Jon can refuse or accept the money but both ways will do absolutely no difference to the decision of separation of his parents and will do no difference to parents put the importance of themselves before Jon

same situation with my parents, they will never change, they will never put me before their own feelings and benefits

if i accept what they want to give me or if i refuse what they want to give me will do absolutely no difference to the order they put themselves in front of me

everyone put themselves before others, no matter how close the relationship

even family and love ones, this is human.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

改善關係 溝通治療



對象:子女 父母 夫婦 情侶                          
           兄弟姊妹 上司下屬

電話 ∕ SMS / whatsapp / 留言:

改善關係 溝通治療

對象:子女 父母 夫婦 情侶
           兄弟姊妹 上司下屬
電話 ∕ SMS / whatsapp / 留言:


對象:子女 父母 夫婦 情侶
           兄弟姊妹 上司下屬
電話 ∕ SMS / whatsapp / 留言: