
Monday, October 31, 2016


Poems October 2016 Ku





昨晚看電影,Candy matthew 勁,暴雨中漫步,放假齊盡興,元氣吃壽司,Hagen daz 雪榚,汽水和爆谷,一齊去興祝,今晚四人吃,水蛋和牛肉,節瓜和蒸飯,健康又滿足,飯後聽音樂,房中聊天聚,閒來督兩督,紅綠豆糖水,甜蜜又心足,她回家睡覺,乖巧又貼服,明早上班去,精神又充足

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Comment from heart, knowledge from head

Comment from heart, knowledge from head

Peace as it is

Peace as it is

Friday, October 28, 2016

Life is exchange invest peace

Life is exchange invest peace 

Data helps 281016

Data helps 281016

Data created and collected by us electronically helps us

Data created and collected electronically can helps us very easily

How long we spent on what we view play see and hear on the internet through our device

We need not like or share, every service provider has data for every of its clients, we are located by gps on every mobile smart phone

The front and back cameras and microphone can record transmit and broadcast our voice and actions created by us

With face and voice recognition, no one can hide

We can use these functions to help mankind

 What we spent more time on is what we like
On facebook and youtube, how and what we got in and attracted us, how and where, how we enjoy stayed with the experience, lost interest and got out is recorded and analysed electronically

The most valuable these data is for the creator and owner of the data, these data can help us to understand and explore ourselves for learn earn and heal

The banana device is call mao:

The device mao:
Has no delete button
Has no cut button
Has no copy button
Has no paste button
Nothing is allow to duplicate
Every data is original
Has a mix button
Has transfer button
All statistics is owned by the creator
Has a share button
All communications sharings and publications by the creator is cross platforms
Has a search button
Has a bank button
Has multi timelines for any and every factor
Has a central timeline calendar clock and map with passport of the creator
Has a passport for exchange and communication
Every data created is stored on different factors timelines
Every data is made up of and could be search by different factors eg time place souls, time location species
Locate find and found factors in dimensions
Memories can choose either or both private external or internal memory card or public cloud
Input and output can connect self taste parts and devices
Gaming controls can be used to operate the system
Gaming is crossover with this system to sparkle and bring gamers to creation
Mat believe every gamer is good creators
Life is a game, play it well
Game is to succeed you
Wise create the game, fools plays it.

Monday, October 24, 2016

24 hour glasses or goggles 241016

24 hour glasses or goggles 241016

24 hour glasses is the electronic product and service, the creation and solution by the banana company

the purpose of 24 hour glasses is to eliminate bully and crime

to aid learn earn heal
to aid connection communication and exchange
for exchanging memories creations and solutions

24 hour glasses is a pair of electronic glasses with all the functions of a mobile smart phone

reason for it shape is easy to wear and capture user’s experience

user’s see and hear is broadcast copyrighted exchange and sold on the solution platform on the internet

any user can sell their experience for cash earnings

the aim is for the device and service act as the security protection to prevent bully and crime

all crime originates from bully in all ages especially from kid, in jail and hospitals, in court and in police and armies, in commercial and in politics

with this device and service, there will be no dark plans, no bully and no crime

learn earn heal would shoot like rocket

fair and square for everyone

the device and service comes free with a 50% split service charge

everyone can bring the device home with fully service for free

what they experience is exchange for cash, we charge half a cent for every cent the user earn from selling their experience

so everyone can learn earn heal for the least output with security and peace.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Peace poem


Friday, October 21, 2016

24hour glasses is peace 211016

24hour glasses is peace 211016

yin yang diagram
all white heart dark
start all over again
no all white
no all dark
half for everything

Thursday, October 20, 2016









Wednesday, October 19, 2016



Mat grand

完美底下,人人輸家 檢查全因,太過得閒,效率太高,速率太快,立即完成,沒 有事幹,找東西做,用來解悶




節奏 rhythm

節奏 rhythm



Tuesday, October 18, 2016


獨特便是優點,不同就是長處 堅持便會成功,恆常便是平安







Monday, October 17, 2016



ill why


不工作胡思亂想,忙工作,上一秒已忙記,愁嬲貪嗔癡煩惱痛苦全沒空,忙碌,keep occupy is key for peace 


A lot of water has gone under the bridge vs 死水發臭





Saturday, October 15, 2016

痛苦煩惱才是人,貪嗔癡呆才是靈 傷過痛過,不枉此生,會傷能痛,那才是 人,有貪嗔癡,才算是靈,只有機器,才沒有錯,沒有傷痛




Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Peace to all souls 我願眾生,平安自在

Peace to all souls

成功者永遠了解別人難處和長處 失敗者永遠認為別人是低能傻子



Monday, October 10, 2016

Stupid silly book joke and why violence 101016

Stupid silly book joke and why violence 101016

Sad dark joke of why and how I gone crazy 20 years ago

First I wasn’t sparkled to learn and failed sparkled myself to learn as a kid and youth

Whatsmore I was taught the wrong way of learning

After I graduated from uni I soon realized loved and started really learning, I go to book stores and libraries

Why I gone crazy because the school and uni books are created by ones who don’t know the topic and the education system and syllabus was set by ones wants to create slaves and robots that works for them for least input with maximum output

I didn’t understood anything from school and uni textbooks, I passed because I created the answers that fits the exams

I simply imagined the answers

Textbooks are impossible for understanding, they write a whole set of textbooks and study materials on what I express in few words in seconds and they charge you few years to support western economy and when you asked why they claim you are silly stupid antisocial and crazy

I gone crazy because people are simply too wicked silly and stupid, you have faith in them, they thinks you trust them because you are dull and dum

Education must be about peace for all souls
Learn is root for earn and heal with fruits of peace to all souls.


We must ask why and what caused and originates violence
Fear is the cause and originate of violence and bully
If we want peace we must be and pass on calmness, safe and peace.

Sunday, October 9, 2016



good story 091016

good story 091016

3 persons mistakenly transported to mental home

A tries to proof himself is normal by saying the world is round because he thinks ones that tells the truth must be normal and got jabbed

B tries to proof himself is normal by showing off his knowledge, naming countries and presidents policies and movements and got jabbed

C doesn’t speak a word, he takes his meal and enjoys his sleep, when the nurse gives him a shave he accepted with thanks, he got released after 28 days.


Saturday, October 8, 2016

Prince ea

Prince ea

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Mat room



Monday, October 3, 2016

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Fulfillment n happiness is keep busy n occupy

Fulfillment n happiness is keep busy n occupy


Poison alert factors timeline and peace 011016

Poison alert factors timeline and peace 011016

Poison can help or harm, chemicals and herbs are poisons that can make you ill or heal

Oil gives us power and convenience, plastic harms and helps

Radioactive gives us power but digging our own graves


Alerts in modern days and cities is irritating, keeping us away from peace

Alerts through mobile smart phones apps notifications

Updates alerts forces you to take action

Modern people need tools for help not for harm

Alerts must be subtle and in factor timeline, we must have an alert center apps links to app other apps

No alerts must force users to take action

Plenty alerts is junk

They say updates helps us but actually harm

For I phone 4, personally updates 3 times in 4 years

I phone 6 os system updates alerts keep bouncing up everyday, each time it disables your phone and it has no option for you to stop such alerts

Alerts are made to help but now it help apple to harm us

If apple persist, personally will create a device and service call banana to replace apple.