
Sunday, March 24, 2019

Rent and let 240319

Rent and let 240319

Rent and let is the solution for sharing resources and help to restore nature

If products are made for sell, then companies aim at make them easy break down

If products are made for let and rent, then companies aim at make products last

Present year 2019, we have limited resources space and plenty creations and junks

Key is through let and rent we can share resources and utilize resources

Companies produce products must responsible for products lifetime includes turn products back into raw materials for recycling

Present problem is we pay for products that sold to us that easy broken, we bin it and others including nature pays for what we not even enjoy

We need everything rent and let exclude food

Wear stay move
Rest release can all be rent and let

There are plenty things we buy and don’t like
There are plenty junks in the trade because companies responsibility ends at we hand the cash at the sold

From now, wear rest release can all be rent and let
Green nature clean nature
Rent and let.


Hospital n jail plenty of smart people

Friday, March 22, 2019


We are twisted for food rest release


If we punish leaders for all crimes, there will be no crime instantly

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Food rest release 210319

Food rest release 210319

Souls need food rest release, energy in rest out of the body

Mankind is foolish created machine lock plastic creates poverty thirst hunger and burns up resources on earth making food rest release harder and harder to get

Food rest release is need, not luxury

If u stop ones to get their need, they do whatever it takes to get it

Mankind has foolish laws in the cities locks up people who tries to get what they need

Some wicked people creates attractions and addicts creates need

What we need is food rest release including sex

We not need machine lock plastic and laws education nor healing

We need food rest release

Food rest release is basic need

Machine lock plastic is rubbish

In nature, no animals gets locked up nor lock up others, no animals creates drugs for trade to empower their government

End machine lock plastic
Back on food rest release.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019


I am proud to be Hong Kong people I love u Candy From mat

Education is only for fools 200319

Education is only for fools 200319

If u r wise, education is a waste of time
If u r even, education may fool u
If u r fool, education can help u

We only need food rest release, no more no less. More is greed, less is fear and hatred.

We only need food rest release, no more no less.

More is greed, less is fear and hatred.

Fear and peace 200319

Fear and peace 200319

The balance of fear and peace is settle

Fear push us
Peace greed us

We fear fear
We greed for peace

Fear and peace

Avoid fear and the journey for peace is trading the creator of pollution abuse and pain

We need food rest release
We no need machine lock plastic

We only need food rest release and no more and no less
Modern life make us harder and harder and further and further from food rest release

I say this again

We only need food rest release, no more no less.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Punish leaders

Punish leaders

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Matty bear

Matty bear

Saturday, March 16, 2019

No way yet

There is no way yet

ill and harm 160319

ill and harm 160319

why do we have to pain for ones who fear and greed

minority fear and greed dragging majority into the dark hole of poverty pollution and abuse

machine lock plastic are three foolish creations by mankind

machine lock plastic creates endless fear greed hatred

machine lock plastic creates endless poverty pollution and abuse

we have to quit machine lock plastic or we fall deeper and deeper into the dark hole of pain and restless

quit machine lock plastic for balance and peace.

Thursday, March 14, 2019


凡有罪案發生 懲罰領導管治不力

Wednesday, March 13, 2019



Money 130319

Money 130319

Money is a media we trust

Money is a media to represent effort workforce and power

We need food rest release which cannot save up, same to all souls but money can save up creating fear greed hatred restless for souls on earth

In nature, food is fresh, everyday rest and release, souls need to practice daily, always practice it during lifetime

But money created fear because we can save up creating greed and hatred, money the more the merrier creating poverty thirst hunger abuse bully con pain and imbalance of power of food rest release

For money we do anything to harm to kill to slaughter to cheat to con to abuse to bully

Key is money represent workforce and work power and can save up and trade

That means ones with tricks can cheat and hold a lot of manpower in his hands, this make mankind evil, money make mankind evil

Money is a media for trade
Trade means burns resources creating poverty thirst hunger

All we need is food rest release
We cannot eat money
We cannot rest money
We cannot release money

We eat food
We rest in nature
We release in nature.

BFM Interview with Jon Jandai

To be different is good | Jon Jandai | TEDxYouth@BangkokPrep

Life is easy. Why do we make it so hard? | Jon Jandai | TEDxDoiSuthep

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Faith and false faith 120319

Faith and false faith 120319

We should be faith in ourselves but there are ones that are ill or sick that make them have less faith or have false faith

We must not abuse

If we abuse, we be abused

What goes round comes round

Treat others and be treated

Ones that are ill, we must care and love them within our ability

Do anything three questions to ask yourself

To make profit, we must not harm

We must not harm

Harm and you be harmed

Help and you be helped

But there are ones pretend to get help we have to avoid and beware

We must chat with family friends neighbours
Communication is best to shine lights on blind spots

Everyone has blind spot

Ones that are gentle has general blind spots

Ones that are special has focus blind spots

It is best to be gentle and general but if luck is hard on you there is no way but take it

Communication is key

Luck and everything is like a clock, after 12 it comes back to 1 then rounds to 12 gradually again

Avoid harm

Serve and protect.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Evil religion 110319

Evil religion 110319

Evil religion is not a good idea for making profit

Evil religion and any religion is a profit making business

Ones enter religion usually with poor and ill spiritual psychological state with fragile family social work background and poor in communication with poor backup with no one to share

Ones got tricked usually are naïve and kind

Evil religion usually use addictive hobbies like sex gamble drinks drugs make clients lost targeting money in their pocket

These religion usually with harsh rules for fools and if you cant take these rules, you can use money to buy away your punishments, no exaggerate even breathing and drinking water is a sin, what fools would belief them but there are kind simple fragile fools belief depend rely addicted and hooked on them because they use substances drugs, danger and illegal drugs that make harm to brain liver and kidney but these are just for getting money from your pocket, where your lost and health is a process that they don’t concern nor care.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

What do we need

我哋究竟需要啲咩 what do we need? We need balance n peace 平衡平安平和 醫生都係人 醫生都有阿媽生 佢都係人 佢都有阿媽生 佢都有血有肉 有感覺有知覺有感受 有軟弱嘅時候 有超支嘅時候 有承受唔到嘅時候 我哋嘅香港社會 要正視嘅係 要明白嘅係 人人都係人 人人都有阿媽生 人人都有超出自己能力嘅時候 冇人係萬能嘅 我哋必須停止競賽 停止 無止境 嘅貪慾 明白難處 欣賞長處 食邊行飯係整定嘅 每個人能夠承受嘅壓力不同 每一行每一個工種每一個職位都承受著不同的壓力 特別係呢個電腦化要求高 凡事講管理嘅摩登社會 喺香港嘅社會 人手長期短缺 老細出唔起錢 一個人做多人嘢 其實我哋應該正視員工壓力 佢不自愛 因為佢太愛你 我哋要知道 每個人能夠承受嘅程度不同 但係每個人都有個限度 過咗火就會爆煲 有不同嘅人 如果入錯行 或者該行壓力太大 會用成引行為 嘗試幫助自己 直至到更大嘅問題出現 例如酒色財氣嫖賭飲吹 我哋香港社會 係要正視嘅係 我哋究竟需要啲乜 有一群人 貪得無厭 理得人死 不斷壓榨 貧苦大眾 衍生咗好多社會問題 我哋係咪究竟需要 咁多啲貪慾呢 貪嗔癡係無底深潭 我哋應該問自己 我哋究竟需要啲咩 呢個社會每個人 應該問自己 我哋究竟需要啲咩 我哋究竟需要啲咩 我哋需要平衡平安平和 What do we need We need balance n peace

Saturday, March 9, 2019


醫生都有阿媽生 醫生都係人

Friday, March 8, 2019


又要講到好冠冕堂皇 事實上裏面係糜爛嘅



Saturday, March 2, 2019


Criminals n patients need love n sex, we need balance food rest release


u abuse, u pay

Mental services 020319

Mental services 020319

Mental services creates hatred abuse and pain

In mental organisations, patients abuse each other and the staff abuse patients

By abuse I mean feelings

Every patient is extremely smart but foolish and so is the staff

The staff creates foolish lies, they pretend to care but they are fake, staff are for earning money

One thing very simple, if you ask for staff mobile or home phone, they deny it or give you work phones this tells how much they care

Staff are for earning their meals

During meal time they would be early or late and tell you its their own private time

Go home and have you dinner, patients are in great pain need ones to love

Patients is not tools for earning meals

There are plenty beauties in these organisations but they got fucked by with the male staff

Fact is patients are not only a tool for making money, also a media for making love

Patients never get sex with the nice staff and what actually needs is patients need sex

Patients got frustrated and more pain by teasing and just looking the sexy staff

What the patients need is sex

Patients need love respect faith appreciation cherish communication values

Patients need love not being milked for money and sex with their pain

Hong Kong government is paying staff to pain patients

If you ask what we need

We need love and sex with ones that match

We need love and sex.


Ones who pain me, will be fed pills n needles


Ones from Taunton will pay.

Friday, March 1, 2019


If healing services is nice, no one want to leave We avoid it means it's no good Would you avoid something nice?


Mum 不守婦道的潑婦

Mental patient factors 010319

Mental patient factors 010319

Keys and factors in common for mental patients

Extreme DNA
Restless family
Restless mindset
Imbalance food rest release
Experience long term abuse bully con repeatedly
Impaired and gifted
Hyper mind
Done tasks in seconds
Fear greed hatred
Flexible and adapt good and bad
Been through too much every second so always forget
If there is good tools for note their notes can bring mankind flying
We are ill and need aid to heal
We can heal but need help
We are extremely bright careful sensitive but our illness make us repeat on things because we don’t feel whole, we need to get a set

We are extremely gifted
Everyone is gifted when fall into the right hands
Everyone is impaired when fall into the wrong hands
Ones in the right hands because lucky
Ones in the wrong hands because unlucky
Do good deeds will be lucky
Do bad deeds will be unlucky

One solution
Never check
One done
Good bad half half
Half good half bad
Flowww practice balance
Balance food rest release.

Criminals and patients 010319

Criminals and patients 010319

Criminals and patients both been ill treated for long

Both groups has imbalance and extremes DNA

Under the wrong environment and fall into the wrong hands make their DNA crack down creating harming acts for self and others

Healing criminals and patients need love, need respect faith cherish appreciation communication values

Criminals and patients are unlucky ones that fall into the wrong environment with the wrong food rest release with the wrong DNA

Criminals and patients fall into the right hands, with the right ones, with the right environment and right food rest release they can be the best

Its matching

There is no right or wrong

There is right or wrong matching.