
Monday, May 23, 2011

right/ correct

right/ correct

we do whats right, we would not choose to do something that we believe is wrong

we do what we believe is right

we do ‘what we are told and made to believe’ whats right

we like to educate others that hold different views from us because we think they are ‘uneducated’

we like to educate others to do what “we think” is right, right for us and right for them and right for everyone

how we think and what we think is from how we are educated by others from the past and by/ from our own experiences from the past which formed and happened by combinations of variable factors which some are natural and some are with man made/ human factors

we think whats right is we/ the majority benefit from, but to the minority what we think right is actually wrong because they are harmed by our ‘right’ action

right or wrong do not represents the majority or the minority, as the majority and the minority represents themselves


  1. 當"善人賞而暴人罰, 則國必治."
    對與錯, 可成為國家安定之基石!

  2. Dear Alice, thanks for your support.

  3. Matthew, 謝謝你的blog sharing, 剛到此一遊, 這是令人引發思考的小天地 !

  4. Dear Alice
    many thanks for you email support and comment
    you are the first person who took the time to read and comment on my articles, thanks a lot
    keep in touch and see you soon
