
Friday, October 28, 2016

Data helps 281016

Data helps 281016

Data created and collected by us electronically helps us

Data created and collected electronically can helps us very easily

How long we spent on what we view play see and hear on the internet through our device

We need not like or share, every service provider has data for every of its clients, we are located by gps on every mobile smart phone

The front and back cameras and microphone can record transmit and broadcast our voice and actions created by us

With face and voice recognition, no one can hide

We can use these functions to help mankind

 What we spent more time on is what we like
On facebook and youtube, how and what we got in and attracted us, how and where, how we enjoy stayed with the experience, lost interest and got out is recorded and analysed electronically

The most valuable these data is for the creator and owner of the data, these data can help us to understand and explore ourselves for learn earn and heal

The banana device is call mao:

The device mao:
Has no delete button
Has no cut button
Has no copy button
Has no paste button
Nothing is allow to duplicate
Every data is original
Has a mix button
Has transfer button
All statistics is owned by the creator
Has a share button
All communications sharings and publications by the creator is cross platforms
Has a search button
Has a bank button
Has multi timelines for any and every factor
Has a central timeline calendar clock and map with passport of the creator
Has a passport for exchange and communication
Every data created is stored on different factors timelines
Every data is made up of and could be search by different factors eg time place souls, time location species
Locate find and found factors in dimensions
Memories can choose either or both private external or internal memory card or public cloud
Input and output can connect self taste parts and devices
Gaming controls can be used to operate the system
Gaming is crossover with this system to sparkle and bring gamers to creation
Mat believe every gamer is good creators
Life is a game, play it well
Game is to succeed you
Wise create the game, fools plays it.

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