
Monday, October 19, 2009

accept and agree with yourself

accept and agree with who yourself is, what yourself is doing and the situation yourself is in and what happened to yourself is a key to success

物以類聚 grouping

everyone and everything that groups together then they must share common points and there must be some or many similarities between them


everything we do and everyone we meet, there must be a 緣份 in between
緣份 is what made i meet 'who and what' i meet and made i do what i do

pattern of mood and action

there is a pattern of our mood and action
if we want to change the way we act, we have to trace back to the origin of why we have that mood and trace back to the first time and in what situation and mood which we set this pattern in and why and what made we act like this in the first time and try to modify and change from there

what goes round comes round

己所不欲 勿施於人
treat others as you like to be treated