
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

DNA the factor 181114 v2

DNA-the factor 181114 v2

from the big bang formed time space and dimensions and DNA double helixes combinations 

DNA is the factor, the history and the timeline of all things with life and without

from the big bang DNA been created and untwined and been passing down but since big bang everything and everyone is set, everyone has their routine and track, some miss each other, some join together and some collide or conflict with each other

karma is a phenomena, no one can control karma, no one can control own and others actions speech nor behavior though we love to hypnotize ourselves that we can control and we can change

from the big bang everything and every soul and how they move, go or hit is set but whats before the big bang

the universe is stretch to the bouncy limit and back it goes to one spot form big bang and things starts round and round all over again

whether each time thing and ones are happen exactly the same and when was the start and how did the start formed is not yet concluded by research.

DNA the factor 181114

DNA the factor 181114

DNA the double helix stores our history and judge our future

since the big bang formed time space dimensions and the double helixes 

DNA double helixes has defects means disabilities for its owners

disabilities are DNA and double helixes defects which appears when we are born or gradually appears after we are born or appears at certain ages 

eg mood-receptive and exceptive-communications disabilities

some disabilities is weak on certain immunes which cause easy catching bacteria and viruses

mental and cancer disabilities are DNA defects from birth, pass from parents and ancestors

aids is viruses which changes our DNA like all other viruses

western healing are by poison, electric and removing parts of body in which we call it primitive and most raw way of healing

western poison are single target served and creating endless problems and side-effects for its users

we need to differentiate between disabilities, viruses and bacterias infections

for disabilities eg a missing leg, if we like to live like the public, we need a replacement

for mood disabilities, if symptoms does not affect living then no actions needed, if symptoms affects living severely we would chat with groups if disable people that already on medication to see whats the pros and cons of medication

doctors are sometimes bias and if the doctor do not have your disability, he/she would not know the feeling of the disability, let alone feeling of side-effects and effects of medications

we cares our feelings, private doctors cares to make most money on clients purchasing certain medical services and products and government doctors cares about none of its patients goes wrong that affects the doctors own promotions CVs and salaries

patients and doctors cares for different things and certainly patients feeling is never doctors first priority to care.