
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Solution platform and politics 150317

Solution platform and politics 150317

Solution platform is an idea adopt from the apple apps store and the hong kong healing solutions columnist yim ho

Everyone needs and creates solutions for reaching peace during history and experience

We experience and creates memories

We creates healing solutions in history of experience and exchange our creations solutions and experience for learn earn and heal

To manage people place and time, we need to realize every soul is gifted and is a vital part of the magical crystal ball

We must appreciate and utilize gifts of every soul in order to rule

To rule, we need a platform for every soul to exchange experience creations and solutions for learn earn and heal

If everyone heals through this platform, the society have no problem, mankind has no problem, the world has no problem

Problems because we are ill
We need heal

We need healing solutions creations and experience exchange for learn earn and heal and for peace.

香港特首,三位都請,一份工資,三個人分,任何決定,或一對二,或零對三,各 有所長,一人價錢,三人同行,互相問責,互相付責
