
Thursday, March 9, 2017

太過得閒,太悶,無精神寄托,胡思亂想,鑽牛角尖,對感覺太敏感,因為太平 安,所以不安,need to keep occupy, need an occupation to occupy time to diversify sensitive feelings

太過得閒,太悶,無精神寄托,胡思亂想,鑽牛角尖,對感覺太敏感,因為太平安,所以不安,need to keep occupy, need an occupation to occupy time to diversify sensitive feelings 

善意能解任何難,敵對惡意創造難,善意凡事能解決,世上沒難事,只怕沒善 意,最怕你友善,友善無敵,友善凡事有可能,敵對凡事沒可能,敵對是最笨,惡 意製造困難,善意解決問題,敵意製造問題,明白難處,欣賞長處,對人己友 善,眾生平安


Pleasant 090317

Pleasant 090317

Pleasant but firm is wisdom and key for peace and success

For dealing, we need to tackle the problem with others not against others

No one we should against, everyone we should be with

How to do it

To make others feel pleasant but firm

If you just make them pleasant, they may bully you

You need ability and power to protect yourself by not doing things that leads others to thinks you are stupid to insult disrespect discriminate and bully you

Protect yourself sometimes you need force fight punishment and power by using the strong ones to protect you and that is call the boss

Respect is the key

When others feel respect and feel you are pleasant, they love to join you, because there is not much people around that are respect and pleasant

So if you are respect and pleasant to others, you will succeed

Respect pleasant and able to protect yourself from harm

So physical training comes along the way of the path of success

Respect pleasant and protection can wins anyone’s heart

Key to peace is flow with water, blow with wind

Flows naturally…