
Sunday, July 29, 2018


Nature is whole n free Fools cut nature resources into pieces, grine them into dust, wack a price on n trade them for slavery, creating poverty thirst hunger pain abuse fear greed n hatred for all to suffer on planet earth Conclusion planet earth is the planet for fools some may name it hell

Ever wondered

Ever wondered Mankind can survive without machines just like animals

do not ever ask are you mad if yes u r dead

do not ever ask
are you mad

if yes
u r dead

sensitive ones 290718

sensitive ones 290718

kind ones say mad ones is only sensitive
abuse ones say sensitive one is mad

mat say there is no mad ones and no sensitive ones

we are all unique
all souls is unique

every soul is consist of unique experience which made them sensitive to different stimulations in different degrees of reacts

it is good to use the example of car alarm
some car alarm goes off when a cat is near
some alarm goes off when a soul is near

soul can be a without a body call a ghost
plenty do not agree there is ghost on earth
the doctors just want to made money by earning commission of selling drugs

ones who we call mad and sensitive
they just is another type of alarm which goes off when a ghost is near
key is they goes of and disturb ones who rest

key is to coach and calms those alarms by not disturb others
it is perfect if these alerts fall into the hands of one who need a ghost alarm
because it is not easy to find such alarms

ghost alarms is rare afterall but it can be a disaster if they keep goes off in the middle of the night while we are taking rest