
Saturday, July 28, 2012



Fear and love
Greed and hatred

We fear because we lack of love

We can get love from God or make our own and share it and do not expect anything in return to avoid getting hurt and injured.

We can create love and motivation from sports, arts and positive leisure activities and avoid compete compare and insult on win and lose

Human have fear which form greed and hatred so and because we compete compare and insult on the process and result.

From young we are taught to fear we cannot make a living when older so we learn and beat others in test exam and competitions

We have a group of friends so we bully and pick on ones that don’t communicate well who don’t have friends.

When we work and in sports games and even in art, we fear so we want to beat others to reach success for feeding ourselves and gain comfort

We fear, we greed for comfort and thirst for winning so we hate when we lose and we harm and destroy when we hate which creates more fear for self and others.

Praying to God does help and be aware of your own thoughts speeches and actions and be aware to stop to pass on any fear greed and hatred instead pass on the love of God to everyone you know and everyone you meet.

這個世界上 並沒有瘋子 只有不懂得 有效地溝通 表達自己內心感受的人

語文溝通 愛人自愛



We are directed by our mood, many try and learn to direct our mood but no one can tell they success or not.

Mood is well when balance, too high or too low imbalance mood irritates us.

Key is not to harm self and others and further these over high and over low mood when we experience them.

We have to communicate and express our feelings but key is to love and not to fear and harm in whatever we think say and act.

Pass on and spread the balance love comfort and peace, stop the imbalance fear greed and hatred wherever whenever whoever whatever however.