
Monday, May 21, 2018

Gold 210518

Gold 210518 In order to get what we want, we need to give what they need Wonders is never done by foolish intelligent force but by wisely touching heart Happy Buddhas day Fools practice force Wise practice touch Touching is done by respect faith appreciation cherish communication values Touching is practice what others need Wisdom is practice healing We all know what we need What makes a leader is knowing what everyone needs Don't waste time on repeating what doesn't work Instead invest a try on others means which brings surprises Trading creations and solutions is way of balance Balance is done by food rest release Balance is done by balance food Food balance Rest balance Release balance Gu ma buffet McD

從前入讀Bournemouth U 當時未知false or true 多年以後人大了 才知this is world of fools

從前入讀Bournemouth U 當時未知false or true 多年以後人大了 才知this is world of fools

Ts poem

自小入讀taunton school 當時未知false or true 多年以後人大了 才知this is world of fools