
Monday, December 31, 2018

Peace to all souls

Peace to all souls


令我難受 會變燒味


在中國 每一位中國人的爸爸 據說也病得很厲害 正確地說 在中國 每一位中國人都病得很厲害 良知病了 道德沒了 人可憐了 國家危了

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Hong Kong

香港及兩代土生土長香港人, 一個有道德修養的民俗, 一個正消失於風中的神話

Thursday, December 27, 2018


No machines No locks No plastic No abuse No bully No con Flowww Practice Balance

end abuse 271218

end abuse 271218

to end abuse, we have to have cameras in hospitals, caring homes, jails, schools, offices, police stations, police actions and court, and all other public and private places

cameras are recording audio and video for ending bully and fair trial broadcasting and sharing with the world every persons experience and actions copyrighted

or another way is no machines, no locks n no plastic for no abuse no bully nor con

no machines
no locks
no plastic

no abuse


end abuse 271218

end abuse 271218

to end abuse, we have to have cameras in hospitals, caring homes, jails, schools, offices, public and private places

cameras are recording audio and video for ending bully and fair trial broadcasting and sharing with the world every persons experience and actions copyrighted

or another way is no machines, no locks n no plastic for no abuse no bully nor con

no machines
no locks
no plastic

no abuse


Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Pay the price

付出代價 pay the price


Whom practice abuse, must be deleted


mat feel ashamed of being mankind, mankind is nothing but abuse bully con n foolishness with machines locks plastic creating pain thirst hunger n poverty due to fear


欺 誤導人去東, 自己去西

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Monday, December 24, 2018

merry xmas 2018 241218

merry xmas 2018 241218

mat find from june 2018 hong kong morals and quality standard of goods and services, faith between between are slipping

the clear line of right and wrong is slipping and fading away, diluted by the corrupted mainland

mat is telling u, money cannot buy love and care, respect and faith, appreciation and cherish, communication and values

there are plenty money cant buy and the sorry and poor chinese use money to destroy what money cant buy

foolish chinese

chinese is fear and abuse

mankind is fear and abuse

mat feel ashamed of being mankind

mankind is the cheapest soul of all in the lowest class corrupting power and faith and putting morals upside down and wrong way round

from june 2018 mat see a sharp fall of hong kong morals and the line is fading and sinking

there is a reason for ones flee away from their homeland

mat will stay because anyone mess with his homeland hong kong, whom will pay with their families.


I feel ashamed of being mankind, because mankind practice abuse bully con with machines locks plastic

Sunday, December 23, 2018


Morons fears nothing Lunatics fears everything Fools lay somewhere in between

flowww practice balance

dear fuckers 231218

dear fuckers 231218

jon billy hatic are three dare to instruct me to kill myself

after all three of u fuckers

i see u all one day end in drink drugs and god knows what

all three of u has plenty similar, u all helped me some point but u all cant stand storms

u three are branches

three types of people

leaf people-take profit n leave

branch people-gone in storms

root people-feed n support us yet low key n take nothing from us

merry xmas
happy new years
listen to radio.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

elderly home hospital and jails 181218

elderly home hospital and jails 181218

elderly home hospital and jails are three places with locks and without freedom

elderly home are for all ages another name is caring home

caring home is not caring

caring home is a torture for the poor ill elderly and weak

hong kong government must invest in caring homes in hong kong

the poor ill elderly and weak has value, key is everyone can be part of them any second

caring home, hospital and jails are for you and me one day if our luck turn bad

so get ready for these places

anyone and anything is temporary

this second practice bully, next second be bullied

key is to practice love and care and be love and care in return

no one can ever guarantee where we end up

so be ready for the worse nightmare happen on us

mat suggest all place with locks must have audio and video recording at all times for family member or the society

or one day we would end up in these places and no matter how we scream nothing is changed

change it now or be too late when we are in.


Practice abuse Be roasted

Monday, December 17, 2018

connect network circles 171218

connect network circles 171218

facebook and the net is not connect nor network, its isolate people

mat create circles systems with subtle bells and with time limit resting cooling or blocking button

mat always got blocked and once blocked thats forever but mat find if connect after a year where both of us given second or plenty chance thats a game changer

mat create a blind blocking function where the blocker and blockee dont know the block period

when we block its one second hatred but for fb thats forever thats a connection forgotten

fb is meant to be a connection networking but it does the opposite

mat see a gap in the market of the true and real connect network where an app can really connect and network us

fb meant to help ones with poor connect and network power, mat is telling u fb does a shit job

and mat is here to provide a connection and network because mat is a true loner that need connection and network and got block on a daily basis

also there can be tips on how to improve relationship network and connection in this app, phrases and words suggest by pick up artist to aid loners for loners

little secret is loners are with hot blood boiling cum ready for squirt

and plenty loner are with quality and quantity.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Act now

Depress about the past or anxious about the future does nothing but burning our present peace, actions does the changes, act now

A day 161218

A year a month a day 161218 If u have a year a month a day left to live on earth what how would u...

products recycle 161218

products recycle 161218

products passing selling and distribution points must also act as collection point for every product they sell or distribute

if a point or a shop sell out a product, it must collect that product at anytime after that may that product be broken or outdated or in any condition and pass it back to the source so the company originates the product can recycle the product also by this company would keep recycle to easy and maximum especially for machine lock plastic

rest in peace uncle


大家好,讀此10集,沉思良久,受益匪淺,值得共用,期望珍藏!(轉發) 第1集 浙江杭州靈隱寺內有這樣一副對聯:“人生哪能多如意,萬事只求半稱心”。對聯語言樸實,卻富含哲理。這種“半稱心”的生活和知足常樂、隨遇而安的心態,被林語堂先生稱為“中國人所發現的最健全的生活理想”。“半稱心”不是無奈和消極,而是一種豁達和智慧。 自古人生最忌滿,半貧半富半自安; 半命半天半機遇, 半取半舍半行善; 半聾半啞半糊塗,半智半愚半聖賢; 半人半我半自在,半醒半醉半神仙; 半親半愛半苦樂, 半俗半禪半隨緣; 人生一半在於我, 另外一半聽自然。 第2集 看了那麼多的《人生寄語》,孰不知僅用四個漢字即可明瞭整個人生:尖、斌、卡、引。 “尖”字,能大能小;“斌”字,能文能武。“卡”字,能上能下,“引”字,能屈能伸。 正可謂: 人的一生雖複雜,四字簡單又明白。 能大能小明世態;能文能武乃英才; 能上能下淡名利;能屈能伸福自來。 第3集 ①什麼叫幸福? 白天有說有笑,晚上睡個好覺。 ②什麼叫智慧? 安排的事能做好,沒安排的事能想到。 ③什麼叫情商? 說話讓人喜歡, 做事讓人感動, 做人讓人想念。 ④什麼叫正能量? 給人希望,給人方向,給人力量,給人智慧,給人自信,給人快樂。 第4集 心態不同,人生的境遇便會天差地別。 快樂,就是在平淡中窺見了神奇; 幸福,就是於平淡中嘗出了真味。 快樂不是生活的賜予,而是心的領悟; 幸福,不是別人饋贈,而是內心淡然。 只有甘於平淡,不爭,不執著,不計較,才能感受到更多幸福。 第5集 家,是講愛的地方,不可講理; 家,是放鬆的地方,不可吵鬧; 家,是安心的歸宿,不可囂張; 家,是感情的寄託,不可欺騙。 家要溫暖,而不是冷言冷臉; 家要陪伴,而不是親人離散。 第6集 生活不要安排得太滿,人生不要設計得太擠。不管做什麼,都要給自己留點空間,好讓自己可以從容轉身。留一點好處讓別人占,留一點道路讓別人走,留一點時間讓自己思考。任何時候都要記得給人生留點餘地,得到時不自喜,失去時不抑鬱,得失之間淡定從容。 第7集 人之所以煩惱,在於記憶; 人之所以心累,在於徘徊; 人之所以前行,在於感恩; 人之所以快樂,在於豁達; 人之所以成熟,在於看透; 人之所以放棄,在於選擇; 人之所以寬容,在於理解; 人之所以為人,在於感情; 人之所以充實,在於過程 ; 人之所以成功,在於勤奮; 人之所以幸福,在於知足。 第8集 養生不能馬上讓你年輕10歲,而是過10年後,你身邊和周圍的人都老了10歲,而你還仍然是今天的樣子。 養生不能馬上讓你的病痊癒,而是過10年後,你身邊的人或許都漸漸已離去,而你還是今天的樣子。 養生不能馬上讓你發財致富,而是10年後,身邊的人都為治病破產到處借錢的時候,你卻衣食無憂逍遙自在。 第9集 吃飯:三分饑餓七分飽; 遇事:三分憂慮七分歡; 外出:三分坐車七分行; 吃菜:三分鹹度七分淡; 飲食:三分葷菜七分素; 健身:三分娛樂七分練; 生病:三分治療七分養; 穿衣:三分涼意七分暖。 第10集 要活九十九,清晨郊外走; 要活九十九,走路甩開手; 要活九十九,勤動腦和手; 要活九十九,常去樹林走; 要活九十九,飯後百步走; 要活九十九,剩飯莫入口; 要活九十九,吃飯留一口; 要活九十九,睡覺莫蒙頭; 要活九十九,不怕賢妻醜; 要活九十九,宴席不貪口; 要活九十九,笑聲不離口。

Saturday, December 15, 2018

I like women



Smart ones lives a lot harder faster n in more pain Earth time a minute of smart person equals to centuries of dull ones

Friday, December 14, 2018

why 141218

why 141218

why have not created an article for so long

because i been using google keep since 2016 and it recently updated and i cannot find some of my past creations on it

i suddenly find no matter how great u r, if u cannot secure and earn from your creations there is not much point

but i use me creations to let the air out and modern world hardly anyone thankful and reward mat for it so there is no point other than release the gas

also mat's health is turning down this winter and nearly lost his breath this morning

mat find there are plenty souls of animals or mankind being slaughtered daily for the past years and did the world change till it happen to us, we just turn a blind eyes and lay a few jokes for the charities, religions and politics to fat its staff

food rest release are three practice of souls

machine lock plastic are three fools creation of souls

mat may not make it through this weather but hopefully can carry on blogging on daily or weekly basis

merry xmas
happy 2019
from mat

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Poon heal

識症唔識藥 十醫九唔着 識藥唔識症 十醫九唔應 感謝 老和尚 老中醫

Poon book

小馬有位朋友 推薦一本書 書名叫腦內革命 作者嘅訊息 就係人生裏面 有好多嘢係可以改 亦有好多嘢係不可以改 有好多嘢不用改 亦有啲嘢一定要改 一個有智慧嘅人 不會浪費 時間精力 係一啲不能改嘅嘢 或者不需要改嘅嘢 一啲可以改嘅嘢 同埋一啲必須要改嘅嘢 我哋應該投資時間同埋心機

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Change choice

有啲嘢可以改 有啲嘢唔可以 要懂得投資 否則傻痴痴

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Sleep well

做好事 睡得香

Sleep well

Do good things n sleep well

Monday, December 10, 2018


教育 不應誤導我哋去追求 教育 應該導向我哋去滿足 Education should not lead us to poverty Education should lead us to satisfaction


If Chinese collect debts from US, America would fall overnight

happy 36

peace to all souls

Saturday, December 8, 2018


If u r strong enough, u can set the rules or turn the table


It's time for trump to straighten China's back


Smart people practice foolish acts


Get him a girlfriend n dismiss the case

Wednesday, December 5, 2018


未分身家你有say 分了身家就no way 各位長者地唔地


if u cant help, shut up.

Monday, December 3, 2018

First aid

小馬急救包 First aid pack from mat Creating Poems Sharing poems Chat and play with your kids Grow some plants Go to the library Go swimming in public pools Go to the park 練氣Contact me for free sessions Shop for food and do some cooking Have clock hotel trips with wife once a month with condom Chat with friends or chat on forum Helping others Volunteering Creating records of audio video photos notes Creating articles sharing on Google blogger Create and run your own blog Food rest release Buffet Outlet Hotel Travel Local tour Short tour One or two nights tour 美食團 煎牛扒 Yogurt and cheese from supermarket Shopping in supermarket or market Drawing Sketching Music Apple music best with WiFi Radio rthk radio 4 and radio 2 can revise on rthk website for free with WiFi Taking photos taking notes with Google keep 蒸咸肥豬腩肉 蝦醬蒸豬腩肉 蒸鹽香五花腩 Massage Creating solutions Creating notes Chat on forum Reading Release Creating 大悲咒 by 黄慧音 Relaxing in nature with greens in park Hiking Beach Shek O Sharing Jazz music Blues music Soul music New age music Piano music Classical music White noise Yoga music Ocean sounds Thunderstorms and raining sounds YouTube search for Johnnie Lawson Wikipedia Google search Google images Listening to radio Rest release Notes with pen and paper Doodling Noodles Bread and butter with salt and vinegar Fresh fruits and greens Vegetables 冰糖檸檬普洱茶 橄欖油鹽陳醋飯 柴米油鹽醬醋茶 Contact me for more information Matthew Ma

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Three types of people

There are three types of people Leaf people, they only here to take profit n gone when the season change Branch people, they are strong but gone in storms Root people, they are not seen but they feed u, hold u up yet low key n take no credits, when u grow, they happy for u Which type u r n which type u like

Three types of people

There are three types of people Leaf people, they only here to take profit n gone within a year Branch people, they are strong but gone in storms Root people, they are not seen but they feed u, hold u up yet low key n take no credits, when u grow, they happy for u Which type u r n which type u like

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Pain ori

Pain origin ori

Used to

工多藝熟能生巧 不熟悉環境 不熟悉玩法 不熟悉規矩 最容易被騙 容易生意外 秘訣就係做多幾次 唔熟做到熟 熟咗至漸漸加大投資 初接觸新嘢 初到新環境 必需交學費

Pain ori

Language n text

Abuse poverty sickness

Pain ori


Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Monday, November 19, 2018

Saturday, November 17, 2018


教育 不應誤導我哋去追求 教育 應該導向我哋去滿足 Education should not lead us to poverty Education should lead us to satisfaction





Friday, November 16, 2018

Healing machine for balance 151118

Healing machine for balance 151118

Machine can use for healing and balance

Mobile data device-mobile smart phones we carry with us round the clock all year round

There is a microphone to take sound and cameras to capture lights

The mobile phone stay with us so if we cough, our voice deep low sharp loud, it can know our mood and health condition by comparing our sounds and face and body to database

If we ill we are broken sad swollen blues the camera has heat images can know our temperature, if we hold the phone tight and sweat means we nervous the phone can sense all that and provide healing on demand

Our mobile phone is best to monitor us, it has our location time place identity and heart beat pulse and breath in different conditions suggest us diet meals and resturants and gears to wear food to take for us to balance

Camera and microphone can capture monitor our health 24 hours all year round

It can cut healing bills by 99.99% and we all benefit creating plenty new healing tailors

The database has everyone detailed health condition and it is machine aid balance and health to the extreme.


Machine is my best friend n my greatest enermy


You can see others weakness is for aid, if u abuse it, u become kebab If u abuse, u become kebab

Thursday, November 15, 2018


I feel ashamed of being mankind because we practice bully

Healing machine for balance 151118

Healing machine for balance 151118

Machine can use for healing and balance

Mobile data device-mobile smart phones we carry with us round the clock all year round

There is a microphone to take sound and cameras to capture lights

The mobile phone stay with us so if we cough, our voice deep low sharp loud, it can know our mood and health condition by comparing our sounds and face and body to database

If we ill we are broken sad swollen blues the camera has heat images can know our temperature, if we hold the phone tight and sweat means we nervous the phone can sense all that and provide healing on demand

Our mobile phone is best to monitor us, it has our location time place identity and heart beat pulse and breath in different conditions suggest us diet meals and resturants and gears to wear food to take for us to balance

Camera and microphone can capture monitor our health 24 hours all year round

It can cut healing bills by 99.99% and we all benefit creating plenty new healing tailors

The database has everyone detailed health condition and it is machine aid balance and health to the extreme.

Healing machine for balance 151118

Healing machine for balance 151118

Machine can use for healing and balance

Mobile data device-mobile smart phones we carry with us round the clock all year round

There is a microphone to take sound and cameras to capture lights

The mobile phone stay with us so if we cough, our voice deep low sharp loud, it can know our mood and health condition by comparing our sounds and face and body to database

If we ill we are broken sad swollen blues the camera has heat images can know our temperature, if we hold the phone tight and sweat means we nervous the phone can sense all that and provide healing on demand

Our mobile phone is best to monitor us, it has our location time place identity and heart beat pulse and breath in different conditions suggest us diet meals and resturants and gears to wear food to take for us to balance

Camera and microphone can capture monitor our health 24 hours all year round

It can cut healing bills by 99.99% and we all benefit creating plenty new healing tailors

The database has everyone detailed health condition and it is machine aid balance and health to the extreme.

KFC curnow tribute

No abuse

We belongs to a world with no abuse

End abuse together

Together practice good deeds End abuse together

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

funny machine 131118

funny machine 131118

we need to create a funny machine to end abuse

funny machine is a messenger which turns abuse messages into funny words

inspired by google for google

ones that poor in communication and relationship because lacking fun and sense of humor, though some born with some can be learnt

we can learn from machines on funny jokes and sense of humor

funny machine turns abuse messages into funny words that makes everyone fun joy and relax.

Monday, November 12, 2018

i feel sick 121118

i feel sick 121118

i feel sick of mankind and this world

i feel sick of not getting reward and award for what i done

i feel sick of the abuse getting reward and award instead of the good deeds

i feel sick of being mankind

i feel sick of this world

i feel sick of the sick being model and successful

i feel sick of this world upside down wrong way round

i feel sick of not getting reward for what i do

i feel sick

i feel sick of abuse

i feel sick of chinese

i feel sick of mankind

i feel sick of earth

i feel sick of machines

i feel sick of machines locks platic

i feel sick.