
Tuesday, March 7, 2017

精神病患者行家,全部極之聰明,但欠缺靈活變通的智慧和能力,思想極快及極敏 感,大眾上課二十多年,我們不看也能幻想推理解決問題,常人世紀難題,我們立 即能解,餘下時間便不斷檢查,成引嗜好,因為我們的超級解難能力是人類文明及 社會文化所未發現,之前也沒有人題出這論點,連我們自己也被文明文化影響而忽 略及否定自己的超級能力而不斷檢查從而失了自信,誤當自己及行家患病,所謂病 就是解難能力太快精準及太厲害,勁得連我們自己也否定和歧視自己 如果我們可 以發揮長處得到認同和權力,問題不再存在 Steve jobs 是我們一份子,如果你用 智能手機,平板電腦,因為行家才存在 太快完成工作,所以太多空餘時間胡思亂 想



Steve jobs 是我們一份子,如果你用智能手機,平板電腦,因為行家才存在


集中不如意事一二 集中如意事一二, 集中一二,忽略八九 太過如意,太過平 安,所以不安 太易平安,所以不安,悶 精神病患者行家,全部極之聰明,但欠靈 活變通的智慧,思想極快及敏感,上課一小時,我們不看也能幻想推理解決問 題,常人世紀難題,我們立即能解,餘下時間便不斷檢查,因為我們的超級能力時 人類文明及社會文化所沒有,之前也沒有人題出,連我們自己也不相信自己的超級 能力而不斷檢查,誤當自己及行家病,所謂病就是太厲害連自己也歧視自己。



Lunatic definition 070317

Lunatic definition 070317

Lunatic is a person with great gifts and hyper sensitive brain

We usually allergic to what we take and wear and who we meet

We are extremely poor in communication

We have great gifts in creative arts

We have ultra high IQ but ultra low EQ

We take words seriously

We are seen as silly

We are kind but selfish

We love checking because our brain complete tasks in split seconds and even ourselves have no faith and cannot believe in our super power of solving problems

We usually not good with numbers

We have great memories

We remember things in stories

We love to help others

We love sex but cannot get it due to poor communication and got seen as weirdos

Even girls asks us out, we have no idea how to say yes and fear of losing her and end up losing her

We love to collect things

If others is good to us we amplify the results

If others is bad to us we amplify the results even more

We are sharp in things but blunt in some others

We are extremely polite

We feel helpless at most times but failed to communicate even to our love ones

We love to pursue what we love

We expect everyone is kind

We explode when others play tricky hearts on us on purpose

We wish peace to all souls

We feels and sees evil hearts and kind hearts

We feels when others is helping us or harming us

We feels when we are being pray or being played

We are being bullied, insulted, disrespected and discriminated

When wish everyone that harms us or helps us experience what we experience

We had tragedy experience

We were kind to the world but world is mean to us

We thought the world is a simple place but it’s a nasty place

We thinks people is simple but they are nasty

Our love turns hate with greed and fear

We are smart but not yet wise

We are mean to ourselves

We set impossible high standards for self and others

We are perfectionist but we don’t feel it

We are guilty and regrets for the past and worry about the future

We take everyone and everything extremely seriously

We do not sleep well because we failed to take balance diet from the kitchen and the cook

Chinese treatment says we have too much poisons in body with taking fried and poison food

We need to beware and stop intake of fried food, spices, poison, cola, coffee, tea, artificial addictives

We need warm water, warm food, fresh meat, fresh fruits and vegetables, suitable amount of salt, honey, olive oil and vinegar

Be kind to keep out being a lunatic
Be mean to keep on being a lunatic

We were mean before we become mad
We are kind when we mad

Be mean and you will join us
Be kind and you will help us

Listen to ocean waves new age relaxing music
Listen to relaxing jazz blues and soul music

Keep away from alcohol drugs and gamble
Suitable Protected sex with opposite sex helps

Thank you

Peace to all souls