
Wednesday, March 22, 2017


燒傷 緊急處理

☘請大家分享給你的親人這個消息!這一點非常重要! 可能會派上用場....
她打破了雞蛋,將蛋黃與蛋白分離。 鄰居將 '蛋白' 👍塗抹在年輕人的臉上。
有一個女人,她的手很大一部分被沸水燙傷。她忍住痛苦,她衝去開開水龍頭,用冷水一直沖她的手,然後她分離2個雞蛋的蛋清,將蛋白塗抹在自己的手上。蛋白乾燥後,形成了保護層。 她後來才知道,蛋清是一種天然的膠原蛋白,蛋清層可應用致皮膚的保護層。到了下午,她不再感到任何疼痛,第二天,幾乎沒有一絲的燙傷的痕跡。 


🔴  🙌  🙋♂🙆舉手不是投降,是救命 (..)
 ☘我和一個朋友一起吃飯,友人一個不小心被魚刺給噎到 ,
把* 🙋♂🙆雙手🙋♂🙆* 高舉過頭,一直要她「把雙手舉起來,把🙆雙手舉起來。」

結果'咖'一聲氣通了. 好不容易救護車來到梨山,他已可以說話了.

🔴主旨:  🙋♂🙌舉手是救命手段(一定要看!要轉發出去,或許它能救人一命喔!!) (💝)

欣賞資優,明白感受 Appreciate gifts, understand feelings


Appreciate gifts, understand feelings 

Appreciation 220317

Appreciation 220317

I appreciate I am matthew ma
I appreciate I have ones I love and ones love me
I appreciate I have a wish

I appreciate I am a man
I appreciate I am with my love ones
I appreciate I am helping ones in need

I appreciate I am creating solutions
I appreciate I am creating experience
I appreciate we look for peace

I appreciate I can create
I appreciate I can dream
I appreciate I can sense

I appreciate I can react
I appreciate I can feel
I appreciate I can fear

I appreciate I can walk
I appreciate I can appreciate
I appreciate I can communicate

I appreciate I can respect
I appreciate I have faith
I appreciate I can cherish

I appreciate I have values
I appreciate I realize my gifts
I appreciate I practice charity

I appreciate I practice on helping others
I appreciate I have health
I appreciate I have wealth

I appreciate I have friends
I appreciate I have connections
I appreciate I have knowledge

I appreciate I have solutions
I appreciate I have properties
I appreciate I have goods

I appreciate I have power
I appreciate I have water
I appreciate I have dirt

I appreciate I have sun
I appreciate I have air
I appreciate I have green

I appreciate I can feed
I appreciate I can wear
I appreciate I can enjoy

Labeling 220317

Labeling 220317

Labeling and labels controls mood in most cases

Labels is descriptions

Most in text or audio video or photo, in charts in graphs or in any way shape or form describing affecting and controlling our mood, controlling what we think say and act

We put labels on everything everyone everywhere everytime

Everything and everyone is like a coin, we have a good side and a bad side

We have endless good and bad labels by others

We need to learn to sensitive on good labels on self and others but also beware of the fatal ones for avoid and prevent

If we can learn to appreciate people and things around us

We learn to put positive labels and aware and share positive labels

Be sensitive to positive labels and cherrypick the positive labels and enjoy them

Try this exercise daily, feedback your appreciation for ones around you daily, starts with  your family members and ones close to you, spend a minute and chat with them 3 things you appreciate about them daily, it can repeat a little from time to time if you run out of choice

I appreciate candy for knowing my gifts
I appreciate candy for feedback my gifts
I appreciate candy for sharing my gifts

I appreciate candy for respecting me
I appreciate candy for faith in me
I appreciate candy for appreciating me

I appreciate candy for cherishing me
I appreciate candy for communicating with me
I appreciate candy for knowing my values.