Appreciation 220317
I appreciate I am matthew ma
I appreciate I have ones I love and ones
love me
I appreciate I have a wish
I appreciate I am a man
I appreciate I am with my love ones
I appreciate I am helping ones in need
I appreciate I am creating solutions
I appreciate I am creating experience
I appreciate we look for peace
I appreciate I can create
I appreciate I can dream
I appreciate I can sense
I appreciate I can react
I appreciate I can feel
I appreciate I can fear
I appreciate I can walk
I appreciate I can appreciate
I appreciate I can communicate
I appreciate I can respect
I appreciate I have faith
I appreciate I can cherish
I appreciate I have values
I appreciate I realize my gifts
I appreciate I practice charity
I appreciate I practice on helping others
I appreciate I have health
I appreciate I have wealth
I appreciate I have friends
I appreciate I have connections
I appreciate I have knowledge
I appreciate I have solutions
I appreciate I have properties
I appreciate I have goods
I appreciate I have power
I appreciate I have water
I appreciate I have dirt
I appreciate I have sun
I appreciate I have air
I appreciate I have green
I appreciate I can feed
I appreciate I can wear
I appreciate I can enjoy
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