
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

peace 050814

peace 050814

satisfaction is peace
peace of mind is satisfaction of heart

from kid we greed, we curious to find solution for problems we come across

education is the worse thing created to turn off our curious

education turns curious into pain

education final by exams, test and exams means no faith and no respect and no appreciation

we greed for more marks 
we fear and hate for low marks

aim of education is certifications
aim for learning is solution
education is the graveyard for learning

education shape us into greed fear and hatred
but we truly need is satisfaction

with satisfaction, there is no greed fear nor hatred
for a healthy heart healthy mind and a healthy person

from kid we would remain them curious and curious would drive them to research for solutions

at the end, we would find peace by satisfaction
satisfaction of heart is peace of mind.