
Monday, March 11, 2019

Evil religion 110319

Evil religion 110319

Evil religion is not a good idea for making profit

Evil religion and any religion is a profit making business

Ones enter religion usually with poor and ill spiritual psychological state with fragile family social work background and poor in communication with poor backup with no one to share

Ones got tricked usually are naïve and kind

Evil religion usually use addictive hobbies like sex gamble drinks drugs make clients lost targeting money in their pocket

These religion usually with harsh rules for fools and if you cant take these rules, you can use money to buy away your punishments, no exaggerate even breathing and drinking water is a sin, what fools would belief them but there are kind simple fragile fools belief depend rely addicted and hooked on them because they use substances drugs, danger and illegal drugs that make harm to brain liver and kidney but these are just for getting money from your pocket, where your lost and health is a process that they don’t concern nor care.