
Saturday, May 21, 2011



i once prayed a lazy greedy wish

i wish i can focus all bad things of myself at one spot at one time and when i overcome it in one go then i am enlightened

fact is this can never be achieved in one go

crack it up into bite-size is the key forward my way to be enlightened.

target and now

target and now

mood patients have a common point created from their brought up and family background...we all set unachievable and perfect targets which we would fail 100% of the time when we started to think or start to walk that way

when we want something/someone we want it 100% right here right now but when we don’t want something/someone we want it disappear 100% right here right now...when we failed to achieve this we turn crazy/ nuts and mad or cancer of self destruction to hide from the truth and fact of our failure

natural and yuen, as mr.choi lost his horse

if we have target, if we even start to think and plan we fail because we leave now, we fail if we leave now and think about others but now

“we can only be at one place at any one time”

“if we are not at now we fail”

correctly speaking

“if we are not at now we are not at comfort”

do not set any target, target cannot be set without leaving ‘comfort of now’ (thinking and considering about past and future)

no target would bring you nothing to success and no fluctuate of mood, thats when enlightment is reached.