
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

impairment and gift

impairment and gift

we are all impaired and gifted in some/ in our own way, shape or form

some call this strengths and weaknesses

no one is totally gifted or totally impaired in every way/ all ways

everyone has their own impairment and gift

impairment and gift is shown when we compare

if we compare to the less able we are gifted and if we compare to the more able we are impaired

also we have to account for ‘not everyone took the test’, test result is only true to those who took the test

the minority at the top is called gifted and the minority at the bottom is called impaired and whats in the middle is called normal.



‘let no limit be your limit’ verse by bruce lee

when we meet something/ someone beyond our knowledge and ability we would deny it, ban it and say it is wrong, say it is impossible

Einstein was told he is a hopeless kid at school
truth shows the teacher is truely hopeless or you can argue the teacher is wise because Albert give ways to atomic bomb which will eventually destroy the world and human race.

if you observe the lifetime stages of human
observe the ‘yin and yang’ symbol and if you learn to play the ‘animal chess’ (both can easily be found in Hong Kong), they will demonstrate to you:

there is no strongest and weakest in this universe, everything and everyone is fitted well together like a puzzle, we all have our own strengths and weaknesses which worth our own existence, the strongest is the start for weak and the weakest is the start for strong.

or in the western world it is known as the circle of life



small matter big matter

we need to start from small and unimportant matters and work our way up the hill and down hill again according and relating to our age which supports our output of work and energy

enjoy what we do, we would do it well and reward would come after

important matter and people are formed and consist of/ rely on the support of less important matters and people

important matter and people would not exist without unimportant matters and people

the top rely totally on the support from the bottom but the bottom can survive without the top.



‘the art of language is communication’

we use voice and words of languages to communicate

most of the time we use languages to describe people, things and situations in different points in time

people, things and situations represents themselves best, no language can describe 100% truth and fact.