Tuesday, January 8, 2019
各位 我睇唔到香港嘅未來 我睇唔到香港同埋世界有未來 自從2018年下半年 香港文化受到祖國污染 我哋已經分唔清 是非黑白 道德良心 人同人只有利益 做好事嘅俾人話傻仔戇居 做壞事又走得甩嘅俾人話叻仔 喺一個咁嘅文化 咁嘅國家 咁嘅人民 點會有未來呀 對唔住 我睇唔到香港有未來 我睇唔到香港會一個好嘅未來 上下交征利 國必將亡矣 中國 一個恥辱嘅地方 中國人 一個可憐嘅身份 可憐可悲可笑可恥
first aid kit from mat for depression and anxiety 080119
first aid kit from mat for depression and anxiety 080119
listen to the radio
classical radio
jazz radio
keep warm in winter
stay cool in summer
fill yourself to 7 out of 10 tummy of food and drinks during meals
take 30 minutes walk around your town
walk out of the building for 15 minutes on the street or park and 15 minutes back after meals at least twice a day
that makes total of an hour of walking daily
avoid competition of any sort no matter on work or leisure
rest more
rest on bed without obstruction
rest on bed with plenty of space with pillows and doves or blanket
create articles on blog
drink warm water
chat with ones that fits
block ones that not fits
listen to the radio
classical radio
jazz radio
keep warm in winter
stay cool in summer
fill yourself to 7 out of 10 tummy of food and drinks during meals
take 30 minutes walk around your town
walk out of the building for 15 minutes on the street or park and 15 minutes back after meals at least twice a day
that makes total of an hour of walking daily
avoid competition of any sort no matter on work or leisure
rest more
rest on bed without obstruction
rest on bed with plenty of space with pillows and doves or blanket
create articles on blog
drink warm water
chat with ones that fits
block ones that not fits
Chinese is whom sticks like super glue when they heard u r wealthy or powerful, that's disgusting to me
2018 係個咩年代
2018 係個有錢就大曬 可以顛倒是非黑白嘅年代 呢個年代 人冇左道德 冇左良心 冇咗是非黑白 只有眼前嘅利益 為咗短暫嘅利益 犧牲了互信 沒有了互助 不用說互愛 生喺個咁嘅年代 咁嘅年頭 我覺得大家都係可憐可悲可恥 可笑 當大家為咗利益乜都得 人人抑鬱人焦慮 人人創傷人分裂 權力成為欺負欺凌欺騙工具 欺詐同埋欺壓嘅手段 每個統治者 死無葬身之地 因為佢在位嗰時候 唔理得人死 佢失勢就陷家剷 點解我生在個咁愚蠢嘅地方 同一啲咁愚蠢嘅同胞 我都覺得中國人可笑可憐可恥可悲 好不幸地 我要在呢個地方生活 我相信 為我哋國家 犧牲嘅每一個人 絕對唔希望 我哋國家而家咁樣
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