
Saturday, July 21, 2018

trump 210718

trump 210718

trump is my role model

trump practice me and plenty's dream

speak up
stand fast
stay tall

trump acts and speak like me acticle

me article creation has a tip

i never change correct nor delete me article
i sit down
wake computer
start create and publish
done in ten minutes per article

when i create i feel free
i have all the resources and space
i have no worry of mistakes
i never change correct nor delete


trump never fear faults
trump beyond right or wrong
trump has no worry

if he is not on something
he is the best kind of health and personality that we all pursue

trump is sexy

trump is sexy

tools for help or harm 210718

tools for help or harm 210718

human created tools
machine is developed from tools

machine burns resources

mankind created machines to produce things that dont fit

machine is one order one job
machine has no mood

machine breaks but not crazy
crazy is for souls

machines for help or harm
from the creation of tools is fools

animals need no tools
animals has no problem with food rest release

mankind created machines and mankind suffers from short of resources
machines burns resources on earth
resources that belongs to every souls on earth and mankind created machines that burns them with a press of button

mankind create machines and machines creates fear

mankind fears of not fit so press the button again and again like fools
before computers we write and correct
with computers and printers we gone through several pads of A4 for a page that doesnt fit

we abandon machines
machines includes
machines kills mankind survival ability

animals has no problems food rest release without machines
we created machines which creates endless poverty thirst hunger greed fear hatred for souls on earth

machines produce cash, prints, data, weapons, records, trade, communication network, power memory

animals survives happily without machines
why mankind creates machines for poverty on earth
with no machines we lives happily in harmony with nature

help not harm 210718

help not harm 210718

help not harm
heal not ill
peace not pain

this world is easy if we ask these three questions before pursue

this world is a shit place because we are going against each other

we are wrong way round and upside down

if we drop abuse

if we help not harm
heal not ill
peace not pain

everything is easy
world is a place where we fools ourselves and each others

we fools for we think profits, tokens and papers call money
we earn for harm ill pain self and others and not give the key

key is easy
key is drop abuse
key is help heal peace

flowww practice balance

mat is building a place where we can help heal peace, flowww practice balance

balance includes yin and yang
if we have no negative we soon forget ways to peace and will broken by other world dark force

so yin and yang
so balance

flowww practice balance