Tuesday, May 22, 2018
Gold 220518
Gold 220518
Wise is provide what others need and want
Fools is against others need and want
Fools thinks they know better
Wise thinks they know little
Fools practice abuse bully con
Wise practice balance
Balance food intake n release outgoing with rest of stay in between
Its simple to know what others need but its difficult to provide them
We all fear greed hatred with machines locks plastic
Men do anything for women do anything for money
To women money is most important
To men women is most important
Have money have women
No money no honey
No money no bunnies
No money no pussies
Money for pussies for money
Powerful pussies pays for dicks
Pussies pays for ducks dicks
White duck
Duck 69
Duck 67
Duck is
kind polite wise
pure good boy
On time
Learn earn heal
Creations solutions
Fun gun pump
Why jump in from the deep end
Fools jump in from the deep end
Respect faith appreciation cherish communication values
Its easy to start, difficult to keep
Stimulation sensitive allergic
Why we such fools
Why we such fools
Not knowing me n u
Not knowing what to do
Like fools going to school
School is the place creating fools
World is the place for fools
For me n u
U think is fun playing with guns
Why they call arms coz they cause harms
Why men in van ran over street full of men
Why we do harm coz we being harmed
Ones who abuse must been abused
Not letting their air out in time
Explosion is the result
Its easy to let the air out
Get a girl n fuck
They even pay u bucks
Once Ray told me
Girl hardly get sex
They have to loose a pocket
Why don't we give them dicks
Give them dicks to pick
Like a banana farm
Love with open arms
Open her legs and we shall find
Music with our gigs
With wonderful lyrics
Without bothering Evans
She will bring us to heaven
Singing from birth to seven
Learn from eight to dead
Hope no one ever be sad
This world is full of gags
With the man call mat
Gold 220518
Gold 220518
Wise is provide what others need and want
Fools is against others need and want
Fools thinks they know better
Wise thinks they know little
Fools practice abuse bully con
Wise practice balance
Balance food intake n release outgoing with rest of stay in between
Its simple to know what others need but its difficult to provide them
We all fear greed hatred with machines locks plastic
Men do anything for women do anything for money
To women money is most important
To men women is most important
Have money have women
No money no honey
No money no bunnies
No money no pussies
Money for pussies for money
Powerful pussies pays for dicks
Pussies pays for ducks dicks
White duck
Duck 69
Duck 67
Duck is
kind polite wise
pure good boy
On time
Learn earn heal
Creations solutions
Fun gun pump
Upper class
Upper class
上流社會即下流社會 金錢權力與性越上流 道德品格良知越下流
為雞碎咁多鬥到你死我活 一個幾毫豆零零頭 正牌口爽荷包立 鬥到火紅火綠眼紅26 面色蒼白青筋暴露 為咗條毛
唔夠膽講正話講反話 暗寸嘲諷即係自己冇吉士 一班人圍埋互相拍馬屁 互相奶鞋底 狂隊烈酒 泵臭煙 搞到人都癲 因為自己怯懦弱智
有冇留意到啲人周身名牌 行為弱智 用錢嚟救火 chucking money at the problem
呢個城市有好多弱智嘅人 滿口粗口兩句唔埋又喊打喊殺嘅 通常都係最蝕底呀
又有大把女人用佢哋嘅器官 控制一班又一班嘅傻佬 西都未拉到就要坐監呀
啲男人真係好撚蠢㗎 女人幫返女人 男人互相對撼 有個形容詞叫戇鳩 鳩即係男人嘅賓週 即係話啲男人係戇居 新聞成日賣爭女打死人 你哋有見過你聽過爭仔打死人未
有個長輩話我講啲嘢係阿媽係女人 我話畀你聽 阿媽係女人都唔係個個識呢個世界
以前喺英國讀書個個叫我做阿媽 而我就係一個男人嚟呀 呢個世界上 阿媽未必係女人嘅
Gold 210518
Gold 210518
If we repeat on something, means we miss a chance on something
If we please someone, means we anger someone
We have ten shots, shooting twice at same spot does nothing but waste of armo
We have 24 hours, repeat once halfs our life
Kiss a girl twice
Some girls take one shot, some take plenty, some take none
There are limited types of persons, if u give everyone a try, u will have endless nites
Some types fits, some just don't
Time place personality
Right time
Right place
Right personality
Easy as duck
In order to get what we want, we need to give what they need
Wonders is never done by foolish intelligent force but by wisely touching heart
Happy Buddhas day
Fools practice force
Wise practice touch
Touching is done by respect faith appreciation cherish communication values
Touching is practice what others need
Wisdom is practice healing
We all know what we need
What makes a leader is knowing what everyone needs
Don't waste time on repeating what doesn't work
Instead invest a try on others means which brings surprises
Trading creations and solutions is way of balance
Balance is done by food rest release
Balance is done by balance food
Food balance
Rest balance
Release balance
Gu ma buffet McD
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