
Saturday, November 4, 2017

creations exchange 041117

creations exchange 041117

mat creates a platform an exchange a system for creations solutions data exchange for earn learn heal and peace

we creates audio video photo text are pays to keep them

what we need is to earn with them

we have plenty memories and experience that we can exchange for profits

profits can keep our memories lasting and blessing for others

a system and devices data machines that earns with you and for you

machine that profits to feed us not eat us.

Practice makes perfect not correction

Practice makes perfect not correction

fear peace 041117

fear peace 041117

imbalance of food rest is fear

balance of food rest is peace

farmers has balance of food rest

ones in cities has no balance of food rest

cities is supplies of bully fear greed hatred pain

modern ones is big bully, they have no right and they will be bullied and punished

ones in cities bully and punish each other

even ones win but they not peace

they are restless

souls need balance food rest for peace

mobile and screens 031117

mobile and screens 031117

screens and mobiles are the poison of century

screens are cinemas televisions computers mobiles displays with sound systems

recordings of audio video photo text and review of them eats up our life in the 21st century

we are dark holing our time energy experience and life in others life experience and we seems experience in data rather than real life

we must turn off screens of devices and rest our souls and enjoy our food

bully originates pain and trauma 031117

bully originates pain and trauma 031117

bully is the issue the topic the thing originates pain and trauma

bully originates from fear greed hatred pain and trauma

the bullied become the bullier

the loved become the lover

ones being bullied practice bully

bully is practice by strong to weak

bully is practice by majority to minority

bully originates from fear

bully ends by love and peace

peace originates from food rest balance

practice rest souls and enjoys food is lives homework

rest souls and enjoys food

foolish creations 031117

foolish creations 031117

digital data technology
light and sound systems
audio video photo text recorders
learn earn heal
pain bully trauma

u cant win the game 031117

u cant win the game 031117

everyone is losers in the game

nobody wins

everybody loses in the game

the game of life is the game of fools

where the fool fools the fooler

in history west was powerful by weapons and creations of fear greed hatred pain bully through politics and trading

west are barbarians

west are big bully creating trauma for those in wars

but we have to thank west for saving china from japan

we have to thank japanese technology food and girls

we have to thank china for babies and farms