
Thursday, March 23, 2017

The con 230317

The con 230317

Learn earn heal is con

No souls except mankind has test exams and qualifications
No souls except mankind has law judges securities authorities jails and hospitals
No souls except mankind has God Buddha saints sinners criminals and crimes
No souls except mankind has bully insult disrespect discrimination and punishment
No souls except mankind made learn earn heal con and greed fear and hatred for profits
No souls except mankind would planned to trick and trap other souls for profits
No souls except mankind would slave others to work for them for free
No souls except mankind would create excuses meanings and reasons for evil means they practice
No souls except mankind would create God and law for profits
No souls except mankind would be wicked and evil
No souls except mankind would destroy the environment and charges for saving it bit by bit but neverend
No souls except mankind created jobs offices markets exchange factories services and goods
No souls except mankind would earn from healing others
No souls except mankind would marry divorce and get half of the rich side
No souls except mankind would have parliament and law to excuse their evil actions and disgusting behavior for a good deed
No souls except mankind would create weapons.

We 230317

We 230317

We are judges

We came as innocents for testing everyone for their true

True kind or evil

But we are downtrodden by mankind

We find love care and faith on ones that will become leaders

We are known as patients

If you have patient and kind heart.