fear and peace 020916
any soul and every soul is about fear and peace
souls avoid fear and pursue peace
business deals exchange, politics, relationships, family social, learn earn heal you name it, souls behaviours reactions patterns are drive by fear to pursue peace
peace can never be reached even if you are buddha or god
poor and dull ones use fear to learn earn heal
wealth and wise ones use peace to learn earn heal
when a person is fear he/she fall into your trap but they would pass on insult disrespect and discrimination which generate never ending fear greed and hatred ending up in you and ones you love
if you can peace a person, he/she will do anything and everything to protect you
wise leaders creates peace
dull leaders creates fear
kids that grow in peace will pass on peace
kids that grow in fear will pass on fear
fear places include jail hosipitals business and politics learn earn and heal process if any staff is fear childhood, he/she will pass it on until he/she is peace by ones who care and love.