1970s 110116
in 1970s where computers and electronics products is uncommon, we lived in a world of simple but peaceful place, we did not have mobile phones nor computers, we write letters and post in post office for delivery
a days work starts at 9am, lunch from 1-2pm, 3:15 is afternoon tea and work finish at 5pm in Hong Kong
poor families can work up to 3 to 4 part time jobs per person and nearly everyone have savings and work towards the target of owning their own flat
with computers lunched to the public in 1995, its a darkhole for everyone, we throw in our time and effort for datas, although we can commnicate and broadcast to the world in a button but we neglect the real world we are living in
mobile smart phones do harm to our time, energy, relationships with love ones, hurts our neck back bones and muscles and hurts our eyes
soon the public would realise these downsides and drop the electronics computers and come back to the natural world
we would find the natural world has all the enjoyment we need and what we blessed is the nature.