
Thursday, November 23, 2017

my dear candy 231117

my dear candy 231117

today is our fifteen monthiversary

remember i first held your hand on 230816

time flies during fond times and good experience

first six months were sweetest

remember we make love for the first time when uncle chau is guesting

soon you suspect pregnant and ask for quick marriage

we went for many good food and visits with experience

we took plenty photos along the way

we have problems of you dont want to pay for your own share

fact is every couple is different and unique

i am with disabilities so i can only afford my share, sometimes paying your share of food with gifts and flowers

together is a companion of life not money nor profits but hearts and souls

i can afford my share so can you, together is purpose for share experience

though i cannot go for too extreme nor demanding sports, i went hiking and short trips with you which i favor for home cooking and relaxing with you consuming least and gaining peace

i understand you are exhausted during the week in work, that why for our good i suggest you come to me home relaxing

with both sea trips when we came back you were too drained and got ill

candy, we need to look after each other and ourselves

chinese herbal with chu is good for your internal communication to unblock your bottoms

blocked bottoms leads to cancer

chu is cheap if you boil the herbs yourself, its very easy

get a big pot
put the herbs in
add 15 bowls of tap water
big fire for 20 to 25 minutes
turn off fire
pour the herbal solution into another pot
bin the herbs
cool the solution
drink a bowl
when pot is cool, put in fridge
pour a bowl out each day steam it and drink it
need stronger drink twice or three bowls a day best morning afternoon dinner but ask chu first some herbs is very strong beware of overdose and poison

dont take fried nor roast
take steam boil cook

rest more

body is like a elastic band
dont stretch over the elastic limit

i cannot afford to always pay for you at the moment
but i love and care for you

i do feel anxious when you force me for trips
when i am on trip i am highly alert and anxious

i bought the boots and go hiking in chai wan with you for dragon back

love and care is understand each other difficulties and appreciate each other strengths

i believe you have money to support yourself
you just want to proof you can find someone pays for you
pays for you doesnt mean love and care

i sometimes pays for your dinner and presents and flowers and cakes, moon festivals and birthdays, valentines day and christmas

love and care is to experience together peace and pain joy and tear
love and care needs no money
money is not love and care

i promised to love and care for you
love and care is experience together sharing the journey of life and candies of joy and fruits of tears

i do fear when you force me on trips
i love you but i would color, you then say to me i am useless

if you experience my experience
you would understand me difficulties

but i wish peace to all souls
wish we can share experience and memories along path of life

i am a waiter
waiting for you my love

matthew bb to candy bb

color 2 v3

Richmond course sparkle color 2 v3 隨水 明白難處,欣賞長處 敏感放大,遲鈍縮小 大小遠近, 感官刺激 強烈柔和 柔和潤澤 色聲香味觸法 眼耳鼻舌身意 心嗰句,講唔出,人講出,自己知,就解脱 保唔住,無力感 保存保護保留 有緣無得阻,無緣唔使阻 接受唔到 及早溝通 你咁叻,使乜問我 你唔叻,講你唔明 叻唔使問,蠢唔使講 當佢正常 激能死你 隨水漂流 無悔煩憂 我願眾生 平安自在 願你經歷 我所經歷 欣賞長處 明白難處 助人自助 自利利他 只問收穫 不問付出 控制唔到 唔係責任 蜻蜓點水 點到即止 當佢正常 就激死你 唔識say no 要識say no 要識拒絕 保護自己 自己能力 自己意願 自己利益 三問: 能力,意願,利益 唔願意 冇能力 冇利益 三藉口 來拒絕 慢工出細貨 功夫快有古怪 佢哋慣咗嗰條路 改咗條路唔識行 雖然佢哋怕改變 怕轉變 因為佢哋適應唔到 但係好似奇華榮華 同埋好多百年老店 嚟嚟去去買嗰一兩樣嘢 成個家族發到唔清唔楚 佢哋嗰啲始祖 如果而家嚟講 一樣有精神病 因為佢哋成個家族 一生人只做一樣嘢 就係整餅 驚恐懼怕 表現唔好 不必在乎 人哋點睇 人哋點諗 控制唔到 多啲顧人嘅感受 少啲在乎別人點睇自己 一切隨水 一切隨緣 一切皆空 緣本是空 欺負欺凌欺騙 血汗錢 降魔的 過份認真 過於投入 過份在乎 過於執著 太乖太聽話 太順從 不善溝通 不善表達 過於顧人感受 cut曬啲margin位 太有禮貌 太準時 太重承諾 太得閒 太要求高 太完美主義 唔衰得 輸唔起 不能夠接受失敗 欠缺靈活 欠缺彈性 固執硬頸 發揮所長 榮華奇華 百年老店 一份執著 時間證明 誰是王者 屹立不倒 不在幾好 在於有冇 意願能力利益 Bully originates pain originates fear originates greed originates hatred originates bully originates learn earn heal peace Intake outgo of food rest Breed 食瞓屙繁衍 Creators creations creative Creations solutions Green Healing Herbal healing 風火兒女 濕熱寒邪 風寒暑濕 各式中毒 中醫調理 政府醫院 中醫門診 必先預約 親臨醫院 索取卡片 地址電話 服務項目 範圍包括 針灸推拿 內服外用 Mold 霉菌 Fungi Bacteria Virus Mo 菌感染,中樞神經,耳鼻口入, 地牢 舊樓 潮濕 多塵 有養份 有營養 Mo 菌中毒 參考 尋寶 盜墓 或異形電影 敏感人士 中毒更快 遲鈍人士 中毒慢些 貪心好奇 探險尋寶 mo菌中毒 神智不清 瘋言瘋語 瘋癲癡呆 各種幻覺 聯想幻想幻覺 先驚後貪, 貪不得癡 Bully protect Self protection Groups politics Fear greed hatred 驚恐懼怕 fear 貪嗔癡 Greed for peace from pain from bully 怨冤屈辱 hatred Idd Insult disrespect discrimination 我唔係,病患者,係人都,會否定,並且自,認正常 受影響,引致病,病母親,童年時,我母親,長期病,差點死,婆在我,考大學,時去世,我在校,被欺負,欺凌,欺騙,校長師生,因我太叻, 鋒芒畢露 敏感 感官過敏 感覺器官 過度敏感 感受覺知 過度敏感 保護自己 表達接收訊息溝通 Avpt Music colors cook garden creating creations record audios videos photos articles data stocks exchange trading experience 青蜓點水 呃佢,嚇佢 Fear greed hatred 貪嗔癡 驚恐懼怕 語音輸入 手提文章 Google keep Google photo Ridgit fragile glass stubborn 為佢好 好心壞事 Pursuing their strengths with gifts Creatives avpt creative arts 心靈畫 Refuse say no can't refuse coz they love u no margin for themselves they rather relapse than disappoint u Is this what u need What r u look for A peaceful family or a painful despair one They are best creative 100 percent one n every strike Target collapse or me Margin Why they want your tel? Give me few reasons 父母都係人,佢地都有媽生 血汗錢

color 2 v2

Richmond course sparkle color 2 v2 隨水 保唔住,無力感 保存保護保留 有緣無得阻,無緣唔使阻 接受唔到 及早溝通 你咁叻,使乜問我 你唔叻,講你唔明 叻唔使問,蠢唔使講 當佢正常 激能死你 隨水漂流 無悔煩憂 我願眾生 平安自在 願你經歷 我所經歷 欣賞長處 明白難處 助人自助 自利利他 只問收穫 不問付出 控制唔到 唔係責任 蜻蜓點水 點到即止 當佢正常 就激死你 唔識say no 要識say no 要識拒絕 保護自己 自己能力 自己意願 自己利益 三問: 能力,意願,利益 唔願意 冇能力 冇利益 三藉口 來拒絕 慢工出細貨 功夫快有古怪 佢哋慣咗嗰條路 改咗條路唔識行 雖然佢哋怕改變 怕轉變 因為佢哋適應唔到 但係好似奇華榮華 同埋好多百年老店 嚟嚟去去買嗰一兩樣嘢 成個家族發到唔清唔楚 佢哋嗰啲始祖 如果而家嚟講 一樣有精神病 因為佢哋成個家族 一生人只做一樣嘢 就係整餅 驚恐懼怕 表現唔好 不必在乎 人哋點睇 人哋點諗 控制唔到 多啲顧人嘅感受 少啲在乎別人點睇自己 一切隨水 一切隨緣 一切皆空 緣本是空 欺負欺凌欺騙 血汗錢 降魔的 過份認真 過於投入 過份在乎 過於執著 太乖太聽話 太順從 不善溝通 不善表達 過於顧人感受 cut曬啲margin位 太有禮貌 太準時 太重承諾 太得閒 太要求高 太完美主義 唔衰得 輸唔起 不能夠接受失敗 欠缺靈活 欠缺彈性 固執硬頸 發揮所長 榮華奇華 百年老店 一份執著 時間證明 誰是王者 屹立不倒 不在幾好 在於有冇 意願能力利益 Bully originates pain originates fear originates greed originates hatred originates bully originates learn earn heal peace Intake outgo of food rest Breed 食瞓屙繁衍 Creators creations creative Creations solutions Green Healing Herbal healing 風火兒女 濕熱寒邪 風寒暑濕 各式中毒 中醫調理 政府醫院 中醫門診 必先預約 親臨醫院 索取卡片 地址電話 服務項目 範圍包括 針灸推拿 內服外用 Mold 霉菌 Fungi Bacteria Virus Mo 菌感染,中樞神經,耳鼻口入, 地牢 舊樓 潮濕 多塵 有養份 有營養 Mo 菌中毒 參考 尋寶 盜墓 或異形電影 敏感人士 中毒更快 遲鈍人士 中毒慢些 貪心好奇 探險尋寶 mo菌中毒 神智不清 瘋言瘋語 瘋癲癡呆 各種幻覺 聯想幻想幻覺 先驚後貪, 貪不得癡 Bully protect Self protection Groups politics Fear greed hatred 驚恐懼怕 fear 貪嗔癡 Greed for peace from pain from bully 怨冤屈辱 hatred Idd Insult disrespect discrimination 我唔係,病患者,係人都,會否定,並且自,認正常 受影響,引致病,病母親,童年時,我母親,長期病,差點死,婆在我,考大學,時去世,我在校,被欺負,欺凌,欺騙,校長師生,因我太叻, 鋒芒畢露 敏感 感官過敏 感覺器官 過度敏感 感受覺知 過度敏感 保護自己 表達接收訊息溝通 Avpt Music colors cook garden creating creations record audios videos photos articles data stocks exchange trading experience 青蜓點水 呃佢,嚇佢 Fear greed hatred 貪嗔癡 驚恐懼怕 語音輸入 手提文章 Google keep Google photo Ridgit fragile glass stubborn 為佢好 好心壞事 Pursuing their strengths with gifts Creatives avpt creative arts 心靈畫 Refuse say no can't refuse coz they love u no margin for themselves they rather relapse than disappoint u Is this what u need What r u look for A peaceful family or a painful despair one They are best creative 100 percent one n every strike Target collapse or me Margin Why they want your tel? Give me few reasons 父母都係人,佢地都有媽生 血汗錢