
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Doctors, drugs / medicines and illnesses

Doctors, drugs / medicines and illnesses
Life has four main stages-birth, growing old, illnesses and death and only illnesses means pain to us.
All kinds of illnesses and imbalances to human today is yet a ‘myth’.
Doctors, medical people, tools and drugs are thought to help by creating a short term effect and many with hypnosis effects for a short period of time.
Some drugs can decrease pain for a period of time, some brings with them side effects which give ways to a even worse quality of life and lengthens the time where patients suffers from pains and others side effects ways of pain.
Please bear in mind:
There are many things are yet myths to human including health and illnesses where no one knows how to be healthy, how to heal and what causes the illnesses directly in the first place.
All we know is extremely limited, the only ones who knows the solutions are the cons.
Or shall we say ‘this is a world of myths...where only the cons knows the truth’.