
Friday, June 26, 2015

one cent solutions 260615

one cent solutions 260615

everything in our world is problems and solutions in four topics: learn earn ill heal

one cent solutions is an app which provides an electronic way for everyone to earn learn and heal through exchanging solutions for the price of one cent per solution

one cent per solution are in one of the four types file of audio video photo or text

to reduce data calculation we set the price per 24 hours is one US dollar-you can play all audio and video and view all photo and text solution files on our platform with our app for one US dollar for every 24 hours

one US dollar for every 24 hours when clients opens our app counter starts a 24 hours to 0 second

one US dollar is 100 US cents equals to 8 hong kong dollars equals to 800 hong kong cents equals to 13 hours of one cent per minute entertainment and solution within 24 hours

7 days free trial
no contract period
minimum purchase 24 hours pass
optional credit card or gift card payment

optional password or login