
Monday, January 7, 2019


Everything except food rest release are foolish

ill v2

欺負,欺凌,欺騙, 分裂,強迫,創傷, 焦慮,自閉,溝通, 社交,兩極,屈燥, 火毒,肝屈,肺燥, 睡眠,幻覺,chur 自閉症 autism 自閉,亞氏 敏感,緊張 焦慮,壓力 天才,資優 強迫,創傷 分裂 Dr Chan Chen 300113 完美主義perfectionist 非黑即白 一步到位 被動內向introvert 自閉autism 亞氏asperger 社交Social 溝通Commu 同理心 過動ADHD 創傷trauma 強迫obsessive compulsive disorder 分裂schi 兩極bipolar 極度敏感Hyper sensitive 抑鬱depress 表達express 觀察observe 分析analyse fear Hatred Greed Insult Disrespect Discriminate Illusion Gifted Impairment 愛心 Care love 同情心sympathy 安 Split OCD schi 忍耐力 叻勁 Truma OCD obsessive compulsive disorder Schi Bipolar hyper Depress ADHD attention deficit hyperactive disorder Autism Communication Express Social Observe Fear Insult Anger hatred Gifted Illusion 抗屈辱建自信展所長 貪怒驚貪嗔癡


欺負,欺凌,欺騙, 分裂,強迫,創傷, 焦慮,自閉,溝通, 社交,兩極,屈燥, 火毒,肝屈,肺燥, 睡眠,幻覺,chur 自閉症 autism 自閉,亞氏 敏感,緊張 焦慮,壓力 天才,資優 強迫,創傷 分裂 Dr Chan Chen 300113 完美主義perfectionist 非黑即白 一步到位 被動內向introvert 自閉autism 亞氏asperger 社交Social 溝通Commu 同理心 過動ADHD 創傷trauma 強迫obsessive compulsive disorder 分裂schi 兩極bipolar 極度敏感Hyper sensitive 抑鬱depress 表達express 觀察observe 分析analyse fear Hatred Greed Insult Disrespect Discriminate Illusion Gifted Impairment 愛心 Care love 同情心sympathy 安 Split OCD schi 忍耐力 叻勁 Truma OCD obsessive compulsive disorder Schi Bipolar hyper Depress ADHD attention deficit hyperactive disorder Autism Communication Express Social Observe Fear Insult Anger hatred Gifted Illusion 抗屈辱建自信展所長 貪怒驚貪嗔癡


Anxious depress means we are smart with diversity n possibilities Peace mean u r dull n boring


死不可怕 活得痛苦才是折磨

mankind 070119

mankind 070119

yes, this type of words again

i like to dream with words and in this special morning with bit of anxious i am back again doing things i enjoy creating

dont know how many of u out there but i just enjoy this with bit rusty and shower and shave in a minute with a dim sum breakfast before heading off to the unknown with me dear

i just thinking if there is no mankind, there is no machine lock plastic

machine lock plastic are three foolish creations

without machine lock plastic would be less pain to souls on earth

mat is for food rest release without machine lock plastic in a world of primitive nature harmony with all souls with a nature pattern of rise and fall with the sun moon and stars.