
Thursday, February 23, 2017


an, peace now solution

souls look for an and peace
an and peace is at now

we can reach an peace and now by focusing on what we see hear smell taste and feel at present

practice this exercise:
what am i doing now?
if sitting, what am i sitting on?
what is the material of the chair feel like?
what can i see now?
what can i hear now?
what can i smell now?
what can i taste now?
am i sitting walking thinking speaking listening reading or writing now?

we feel pain because we left now and live in the past and future

past gives us regrets and future gives us worries
now gives us an and peace


信任最貴,大家珍惜 凡人事物,皆有代價 唯有信任,絶不出賣 假如你是,心理 醫生,或者你是,病者朋友,而你取得,病者信任,他告訴你,一些私密,而有一 天,警察找你,問及病者,告訴你什,你會怎辦?我只會說,正面供詞,其它忘 記,任何人吿,訴我何事,基因信任,所以我必,為他利益,為終目的,病者經 歷,必然很慘,在他命中,已經遇上,多人失信,他才會病,所以我必,須對他 守,信任之道,助他康復,他便平安,施己所欲,己所不欲,勿施於人。



