
Thursday, January 17, 2019

Gas energy flowww

痰濕 滯痢 呆滯 氣滯 氣屈 氣悶 鬱悶 運滯 行衰運 chok住道氣 氣不順則百病生 氣順則健康 運氣 行大運 氣功 條氣唔順 氣頂 心翳 瘋癲癡呆懵蠢笨 不通則痛 痛苦 上吐下瀉通屈滯 怨冤屈辱因不通 溝通溝通 溝通則水淨 血管溝通 血液潔淨 運氣順暢 七分飽

Tips salt pepper digest

一個唔好嘅人 一個壞人 一個病人 俗語話呢個人心腸唔好 原來心腦 心腸胃 決定一個人嘅健康 腸胃者即係消化能力 一個人消化能力好 個心腦自然好 健康自然好 如果腸胃唔好 喺餐後 會有胃氣脹頂 情緒自然差 搞到精神恍惚 心神混亂 俗語所講有精神問題 情緒問題 心理問題 根源在消化問題 腸胃問題 只要我哋喺餐後 食少少鹽 少量溫水送服 食少少黑胡椒 少量溫水送服 之後就會 釋放胃氣 同埋放屁 上吐下瀉 鬆咗啖氣之後 人就會舒服 橄欖油 brown sugar salt pepper & malt vinegar 都係可以幫助消化 餐後一杯甜飲 或者一份甜品 最緊要夠甜 最緊要夠鹹 最緊要夠油 最緊要夠酸 最緊要夠辣 在幫助消化 一個人消化好 就唔會有垃圾積聚喺身體 個人身材自然好 心腸自然好 心腦自然靈活 人自然醒目 最緊要係舒服同埋平安 完全取決於消化能力

Projects keys 170119

Projects keys 170119

Flowww practice balance
Time location souls
Calendar map identity
Learn earn heal
Food rest release
Audio video photo text
Creations solution
Connect network communicate
Machine lock plastic
Greed fear hatred
Poverty thirst hunger
Abuse bully con pain
Peace to all souls
Circle of life

Solution platform 170119

Solution platform 170119

Solution platform is cloud but we can trade our data memories through our cloud networking platform call solution platform

Cloud is back breaking and breath taking because the whole concept is rubbish without this touch and twist of solution platform

No matter how free or cheap cloud is it can never be always free and as our data memories increasing as time goes by, it is hard to delete stuff, so our precious data growing and our pockets draining if we have no ways to make a profit out of what we pay to keep, cloud is a lost idea only draining our cash and manpower for the IT company to make money out of nothing

We need to trade our data memories
Its like cash in the attic
There are endless cash got locked up in our cloud and they are cash data memories, instead of draining they are earnings

Our healing data, our voice, our creations, we must able to share, god know what others like but if we able to option share and trade for cash we would that’s definite

Remember this is mat’s idea from year 2010 and still no one doing it.

First aid for mood patients from mat 170119

First aid for mood patients from mat 170119

After each meal, put grains of salt at the middle of your palm, lick it up, taste for 2 seconds then drink a bit of warm water to bring it down

Do the same to black pepper straight after

There are small bottles with grinder of salt and pepper in the supermarket for sell

My teacher taught mat, if you can bring some olive oil, some malt vinegar, some salt and some black pepper in small glass bottles with you to all meals, some white and brown sugar for drinks is key for good health

mat and his teacher discover, mood patients has defects and weakness in their digestion and digestive system where a kind of yeast is missing in their digestion system, salt and black pepper can trigger the digestion process replacing the missing yeast function

mood we think is the brain but it’s the heart, the blood and the digestive system which we meals at least 3 times daily intake plenty food drinks and a good or poor digestive system counts on the root of all our health and illness

a good person has a good digestive system and vice versa
if more research is done we would find out criminals and patients must have a problem in digest
salt and black pepper is key
also olive oil, malt vinegar and brown sugar.

Food rest release 160119

Food rest release 160119

Food rest release are three process only matters for souls in living
Mankind created machines locks plastic which generated greed fear hatred abuse bully con pain
Nature need no machine lock plastic
Souls need only food rest release in circle of life in circle of time and space
Time location souls
Food rest release
Flowww practice balance
Peace to all souls
Souls in harmony
I love candy