part time 100715
present 2015, after computers introduced in 1995, there are fast growing numbers of buddies lost their job
we all have mobile devices and internet and few spare minutes every now and then between fact most of us are very bored at most times
i appreciate forum that provides a solution and knowledge bank and interactions for unknowns
what if there is a solution platform where we could sell our solution ideas generated by our spare minutes
our boring time can turn into profit, we could exchange solutions for solutions
current forums like discuss hong kong is a success but i tried to ask some key questions of how to transfer some files from my digital recorder to one answered me but if i put a price on willing to pay 10 dollars for my solution, i guess it would be answered instantly
key is the motivation, we answer question in forum and chat when we bored but what if we can earn a living and make big money on providing solutions
we could use money we earn to solution our own problem, this would be the ideal solution exchange world.