
Sunday, July 3, 2016

親子溝通 父母子女


身為父母的您可曾欣賞 認同 珍惜 重視 尊重 信任過您的子女?

您是否期望 要求子女當聖人或超人才合格?


您對子女的期望要求是否恰當 合情 合法 合理?

如您與子女角色對調 您又能否接受 達到 完成您自己的要求期望?






八十後九十後強迫自己達到父母的夢想而犧牲了自己還被父母誤會不長進 不生性 無出色的大蛇

公平嗎 合理嗎 恰當嗎 可接受嗎?


您是否不斷把子女與別人比較並當他們是競爭比賽工具來換取自己利益 虛榮 叻 威 勁 棒 與金錢?



當子女給您訓練成乖與聽話您又是否投訴子女無主見不懂自立 身心不健康 不健全 不平衡?

身為父母的您又是否自相矛盾 自圓其說 孤方自想 完美主義 自私自利 不明白及不顧子女感受 及活在一個發了幾個十年的夢裏?


您是否明白 有否顧及 對方感受?




impaired and gifted sparkle centre 
能助您 解決溝通問題 助您踏上 成功路

您遇見了這則訊息是一種緣份 一個好開始 好好珍惜 保留 分享 延續這份緣 給您心中重要 有份量那位


SMS/ Voicemail/ Tel/ 短訊/ 留言/ 電話:
+852 91940869
Or/ 或

email/ 電郵:

record audio video and communications 030716

record audio video and communications 030716

todays world people become more and more sensitive and silly causing innocents to lose freedom in hospitals and jails

if everyone is wearing a device recording what they see hear and communication then we can trace the source of violence

the source and the cause of violence should be deleted and the one who originates and who souce and cause the violence should be punished

if everyone is wearing this recording device, there will be no dirty deals, no crime, no insulting disrespectful discrimination, no evil contract, no secret, no dirty business, no evil law, no dirty charity, no evil religion, no con, everyone is honest, everyone is kind, if you are kind, everyone knows, if you are evil everyone knows

we can view how much cash is banked the pyramid selling companies like insurance and health and beauty products 

we can view all deals in the exchange to see if they are fair

we can learn why the rich is rich and poor is poor by viewing their everyday life

this recording sharing device can help us learn heal and exchange

we can view how much money the church and charities is pocketed and how little they spend on helping others

we can view anyone and everyone’s behaviour and actions and learn and heal

no need teachers as we can recall the record of anyone and learn

no need doctors as we can recall any patients and heal solution through the system and the net

no lawyers no court as everyone’s action can be viewed, no one is silly to crime and there is no secret

no crueled parents, every family is happy

we can learn and heal at and from anywhere

no drugs no gamble as we can view everyone, we can view ones that damaged by drugs so we scared know drug is danger

no evil doctors 
no devil teachers
no dirty deals

everyone and every deal is open, no matter you are rich or poor, smart or wise, everyone must wear the device to record audio video and communications round the clock

its kind of like the heaven, where every angel knows what others is thinking so everyone and everything is kind.