
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Be dull,傻吓傻吓,活在當下

Be dull,傻吓傻吓,活在當下

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Dear parents 各位父母





Friday, June 24, 2016

Fear is our true best friend Peace is our true wicked enemy

Fear is our true best friend
Peace is our true wicked enemy 
Peace seduce us n turn us against our best friend-fear
stop pursue peace n we would be united n whole.



double hook contract 240616

double hook contract 240616

part of me ancestors is jews on me mum side, when i did something wrong and lied about it as a kid, mum just force me to do a poison vow

which after i studied business and returned to hong kong in 2007 i created the double hook dealing

apple ran into a case in 2015 about the US security brought apple to court and force apple to develop a decode for a murderer’s i phone but apple refuse

i just don’t see any conflict meaning and need for the court case 

what the security department need is to get the decode from apple

what apple need is to guranttee and prevent the decode from being use other than that murderer i phone

apple can offer: i apple can create the decode if the security department can guranttee this decode is only use on this murderer’s phone, if under any circumstances and situations this decode is use on any other i phone under any means, means breach of this contract, members of the security department must promise to pay ???????? billions to apple and go to hell forever

we need guranttee, we need safety, we need peace but others are for their convenience and peace to neglect our peace, what we need to do is to make them pay for their own dinner

most court case arise because one side is asking other side to pay for their own dinner

for any court case we need to sign a contract before the court start, we need to sign a contract, if any party say or act anything or anyone is not true and not truth then all of his or her properties and money power and women is transfered to the other side, by this i do not mean who is right and wrong, i mean who is true

if someone ask you to do something out of your ability, then counter offer him a price that is out of his ability, this is double hook

for sells that ask me to purchase i excuse of:

i don’t like
i cannot afford
i need club transfer fee like beckham.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Shan 孩子,请按照你的节奏前进!






fear industries 230616

fear industries 230616

fear for unpeace and pursue for peace are the yin yang engine that keep the world going but would trash mankind ultimately

all businesses, deals and exchange are for profit, using fear and peace as a tool

clients are played around between fear and peace and drops out cash from their pockets

US is a place originates fear, industries like insurance, health and beauty, education certifications, laws and legal, IT updates, fashion, social glam, hotels and travel, luxury entertainments, everyone racing for the carrot of peace and under stick of fear

personally major in business and management, so for deals and exchange i love to discover and recover

china is twenty years behind Hong Kong, if Hong kong buddies visit china, beware of fooled by tricked that chinese play where appears in Hong Kong twenty years ago

the fool of US is displayed in US corner shop chain giant 7eleven

some years ago my relative from china visit us in Hong Kong, we passed by 7eleven corner shop and he just wonders and ask, i have never seen any of these products and services in china, do you hong kong people need these?

i explained to him by grabbing him some snacks, then he feel thirsty because of msg then he grabs a drink and ice-cream, he then feel sick i then show him some pills and medicine on the shelf, he then say, i need 7 eleven

US industries is pretty much a big scale, we see friends on facebook having nice stuff, we want to experience and get, we need to race to consume our cash otherwise we are a loner and left behind, we fear, we fear to be alone

for health and beauty, we fear illness and ugly, medical services advertise by creates fear

we feed of disgusting and ugly but it is a ghost deep in our heart, we need face, we need to be number one, we need to be better than others and give up your cash

you love your love ones, then give us cash to show you love them

if i earn a million per month and i use half a million per month to purchase services and products for me mum but never give her a cent or any care personally, am i her son?


when me mum make me angry, my new saying is:

you are not my mum, my mum would not treat me as such

you are not my xx, my xx would not treat me as such


Wednesday, June 22, 2016

pyramid selling 220616

pyramid selling 220616

pyramid selling is evil and created by devil

the only thing right and wrong about pyramid selling is its legal under the law

pyramid selling has brought many and plenty relationship to an end and use relationship as a tool for profit

mum went to a course about diet and ms fung was fishing for clients there

fung was a member of i26 which practice pyramid selling

mum treat fung as a friend but fung treat mum as cash

fung was a person with no friends but after she pursue pyramid selling, she was calling downlines and clients round the clock creating an illusion for herself

fung has over 10,000 clients, when you signed the contract with her, she disappears and you can never get through to her

but when fung retire from pyramid selling, nobody needs her and she has too much free time for boredom

so when fung is on pyramid selling, there is an illusion for herself that she has plenty friends but they are clients and some silly ones like me mum that appreciates her effort and money

when fung is on the job, she has no time for friends and for fun

when fung is off the job, nobody appreciates her, so she sticks with the job for like jumping for one company to another on pyramid selling

business is business, profit is what only matters to ones in pyramid selling and in business

me mate is from an insurance family, his family members are top managements in AIA

the only problem is he finds his family only cares about cash with no care for him


money 220616

the problem of money is it can be save up

for anything that can be save up then its no safe, the more the better

if i killed an animal and enjoys it, if i kill ten at once, nine will rot, so i kill one whenever i need and share with me mate

men created money and we turn evil, men created exchange system, with money and shares that can save up and be gone in a click

mankind is foolish by creating money, money make us fear
from kid we race to learn and fear we cannot make money to feed ourselves when older

when we work we find no matter how hard we work we get nowhere

when we old we find we wasted our life in racing under fear for what? for money? for the most basic feeling of peace and fear

for computer if US leader press a button every electronic systems and data files around the world is freezed and encoded, only he who has the decode

we use computer is working and building on loose sand, its an illusion, no matter how hard we try its gone in a button just like a giant squashing an ant

computer created for and by fear, and the fear is rolling snowball, getting bigger and bigger till it bang into hard rock and turn into dust

we find we wasted our life in racing under fear for what? not for money? not for profit? for the most basic feeling of fear and peace.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

fear record and peace 210616

fear record and peace 210616

record and recording data is key for peace
problems is when someone has exception and exemption then fear would arise

if everyone’s actions and behaviors is recorded at anytime and can be trace and track then there would be no crime

by crime i mean ones that originates the violence but missed out on punishment

dull criminal easily trigger anger by lawyers
dull patients easily trigger anger by doctor

because both criminal and patients is poor on communications, they are smart but not wise

if we record all sessions between doctors and patients
if we record all interactions between all parties in law cases
if we record all behaviour of every deals brokers agents and everyone that is in deals and transactions

we would if everyone is evil
and majority is stupidly dull
they think they chat secretly on the phone
they think no one can trace track and proof their actions

actually ones with a bit of tech skills can monitor all their communications

what a stupid silly prick just chatted on they phone of how to trap their bud, seconds later having a beer with them

are they a fool or are you a fool

the best way is to publish everyone’s communication

everyone’s communications actions and behaviours must be  recorded and display to the world 

everyone what they created, sparkled, learned earned healed

no one would trap others, no crime no secrets, no need politics no need businesses because we are all true

no greed no fear no hatred
no swiss bank, no jail, no dark food, no dark medicines, no traps of beauty,entertainments

no dark deal, all communications is published, everyone is fair, everyone is honest, no dark leaders, no corruption

everyone is clean and clear.

Monday, June 20, 2016

feardom freedom kingdom 200616

feardom freedom kingdom 200616

the worst thing for souls is fear
the best thing for souls is peace

souls would fear if they have a chance to lose their freedom
jails and hospitals are the two main places to lose freedom and create feardom

learn to heal can help us reach peace
greed fear and hatred originates from fear
when we fear we would greed and hate and we would have a better chance on losing our freedom

for each kingdom and for each kings and his fuckers and helpers to expliot freedom, someone has to pay their bill

kings are making minority fear and make them lose freedom to success his kingdom

if king are making majority fear then the king would lose freedom

so its like a rugby ball, any and every system its like a rugby ball

top ten percent controls the middle 80% and bottom 10% pays the bill of feardom and freedom

the bottom 10% are the sensitive ones in which when they lose freedom then the king is alerted not to persist, if so more and more people lose freedom and his power would end

the difference of top and bottom ten is the factor, the factor of knowing self’s ability and know when and where to stop.

Sunday, June 19, 2016



Anchor glory

Anchor glory

we are men/ wonder of mankind 190616 learn to heal

we are men/ wonder of mankind 190616

life is pain for all souls
regrets worries and unpeace

peace can never be reached

but these ups and downs makes us men and men and mankind has many and plenty priviledges 

when we ill and take medicine, we would relieve
when we cold and turn on heater, we warmth
we we hot and cools by swimming, its fun
pains gives us priviledges to joy

if there is no pain, there is no joy
no regrets no improvements
no worries no motive
no pain no peace

peace is relative than pain
pain is the origins of peace

if pain disappear, peace disappear too

we have clothes food house 
what we need is peace


learn to heal

we need to learn healing solutions from kid
we need fun ways of letting our kids explore solutions to illnesses

learn earn heal are thought to be three stages of life
but actually is only healing matter

learn to heal enable us to solution for problems
solutions are for problems
problems are illnesses that keeps us away from peace

heal is to minimise pain and maximise peace

learn to heal
learn solution for problems
learn to minimise pain and maximise peace
so we can sustain ourselves and earn
if we dont know healing, we are feeding doctors

no matter how much money we earn, we need peace
if we learn to heal, we fulfil learn earn heal
if we know what to eat and drink, intake and outgo and rest can keep us peace, we would have no illness

all the crime extreme, lost freedom originates from illness and unpeace

if we all learn to heal from kid
if the criminal know to heal they would not be crimimal
if we know how to heal, we would not suiside

all the negative destructive originates from imbalance of health

if we learn to heal we all balance, no crime no room for junk food and plastic that cause cancer

no room for dark pills, drinks drugs gamble sex no room for them

we like those bad hobbies because we are imbalance

there are too many junk goods in the marketplace
we are unhappy so we alchol, we sex, gamble, crime
unhappy because we take wrong food and drink and feel pain

if we know how and what to take food and drink

learn to heal is key and base for peace. 

Saturday, June 18, 2016

swing both ways 180616

swing both ways 180616

we need to ask questions, funny questions that makes complicated things turns stupidly easy and bright to understood

why is there a light bulb in US museum is continuously lighting for over a hundred years since its made, and other bulbs only have hours lifetime?

is it we are unable to make eternal bulbs or we are unwilling to?

a tales tell where pills and ancient medicines solved the eternal health problems of men and can keep mankind in comfort with the most basic and common food and drinks with least cost but for minority selfish profits we choose to bury such data and publish medicines that do harm to organs and cause links of sideeffect illnesses and charge the public on every bit of pain, keeping them painfully alive for getting their pocket money

technology is very easy to develop to the extreme but why we publish bits here and there, have a fart and everyone say wow, have a shit and everyone jumps in laughter and joy-all because of selfish foolish profit

many fools are fear and greed, they only see the minor profit in front of them, polluting the world for pennies but they forget they are living in the same world and the cash they earn can only buy them rotten and polluted goods and services


education is trashing gifts 

we all have unique gifts, why we need to learn others gifts

we can never be exactly the same as others, no matter how hard we try

but we can be unique without trying 

we should encourage uniqueness and say no to copy cats


Friday, June 17, 2016

Sparkle creator

Sparkle creator



Notes tips mem






寫apps practice n apply 有一日可被電腦取代,創造點子永遠只有靈能做到,創造是生命的特質

Peace eternal

最後點滴 peace eternal 09100316










為何高智商人仕會有心病?一般人能達到一個目的已經很滿足,於是一步一步走到人生終點,智商高人仕能輕易達到大部分目的目標,但其致命盲點是其以為可一網打盡不留一個,最終hang機/ hangover,心病不安源全因為不甘心不能一步到位一撃KO, 最後像兔子站在終點之前不安生病,一步一步才是平安之道。








fear system respect faith and appreciation 170616

fear system respect faith and appreciation 170616

power of souls originates from fear

fear is a fool and a tool for profit

respect faith appreciation cherishness communication and values is solution for fear greed hatred 

peace is oppose to fear greed and hatred

human civilised system eg society, law, health and education system is created by and for fear

violence and extreme is created by the system

ever been to some houses where you bump into corners and tripped over by legs and cables-why its the creators fault

some house no more how naughty you are, you would only feel comfort and peace

the law system is created by law experts and lawyers, would they create a system for themselves to be overlade 

would the society creator create a system to benefit the public where the creator is minority?

would the medical experts creates hospital that are empty for them not have enough money to pay their own dinners

would the education specialise creates an education system where you can learn what you need in the shortest time and get themselves unemployed

do not shoot me and order me not to bleed

there can be peace but we do not want it
we say we want it but we don’t
because if everything goes peace and in order, we all lost our job, no one work and no dinner to eat, everyone die

so we need to fool the fools by saying we need peace, health education clean so and so excuses all for profits

we fool ones fooler than ourselves
we create problems and provide solutions in exchange for dinners

everything and everyone is originates from fear

we fear to die so we eat drink and breath
we fear to extinct so we have sex and breed

if we appreciate and faith in what we experience, we would be closer to peace.

Wish ones make me feel bad experience what n how I experienced 令我難受的人,願你們經歷,我所經歷

Wish ones make me feel bad experience what n how I experienced 


Thursday, June 16, 2016



Monday, June 13, 2016

computer 130616

computer 130616

original data creations are created by computers and digital data devices everyday by everyone

we need to utilise these creations in bulk

many apps are failed because you cannot utilise files in bulk

we need an app where we press minimum buttons minimum input and can utilise maximum output

every creation file is made up of factors, we need a find and found function in factors in bulk in groups 

we need to put everything in different factors timelines where timelines can mix and match

files are in timeline calendar clock and can be find and found in all and single and different factors

actually factors find and found can pin point any file

eg matthew ma taunton school 1995 and you will pin point me

any and every original data creations are in factors like creator, performer, time, place, instruments, media etc

we have banks of original data creations with different copyrights owner and by different creators

every digital device is a bank of data creations

we need to differentiate original data creations and data creations by creator, performer, time, place, instruments, media etc

we need to display files in different ways orders and systems with ghost images

one problem is we have plenty repeated files, what we need is to put different files in different folders and orders without duplicating files

we need to have options to display files timeline in calendars and clock and schedules with different creator, performer, time, place, instruments, media factors etc

locate creations locate files in maps, calendars, clocks, identities

locate places in map, locate time in timeline calendars and clocks, locate people in identities

one button one task endless files all done in bulk at once

one button group same factors one button changes 

actually all original data creations/ files must be kept safely with backups

the edited version is shared or sold

key is only the creator able to keep his/her original data creations and its backup safely

and backups and keeping must be done in most comfort way

a good system provide users with peace of mind and safety of heart with simple easy and peacefully get endless complicated work done in least steps and minimum  procedures

a bad system makes its users to turn round and round exhausted without getting anything done

we should learn from the hong kong MTR- mass transit railway, the one who created the MTR for hong kong has wisdom and we should learn from him for systems and network creations.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

just do it simple 120616

just do it simple 120616

we love to procrastinate

just do it simple but we are souls

souls love to leave difficult things at last

whats more if we finish everything at once, there is no fun

procrastinate is fun in itself

if we have no task and nothing to procrastinate and nothing to look forward to

there is no hope faith and love.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

control 110616

control 110616

control and calculation originates pain

we feel pain because we think we can control and unite the difference of pain to reach peace

but souls can never peace, more you control more crazy you become 

because we need not control, control is the wrong way

soul is free, control and calculation is dead

but dull ones loves to control and calculate on others to get profit 

actually control and calculation originates fear greed and hatred

when we started control to get marks scores grades and ticks in test and exams we set off to a no way back

education train kids to control and calculate making them crazy

we need to learn to heal 

learn to heal is useful from babies to old all life long

current ones in cities has no knowledge on healing, so they earn money to feed doctors

healing is to prevent ill

learn to heal from kids 

if we learn to heal from kids, we would not use plastic, we would not pollute our world, we would not have factories and luxury junk to garbbage our world

what we need is only very little to keep us healthy

learn to heal from kids prevents us from falling in attraction traps like gambling drugs alcohol sex

when everyone learn to heal from kids we would stop illness from source and cut medical bills

we would stop dark food and drinks and stop dark industries from selling us sickness so no drugs is needed

modern world is selling sickness and lengthening pain

everyone is race for survive and update
if we slow down we are outdate

our life race against each other for update nowadays 

our quality is the poorest now 

we race for the most basic

there are sickness illness and fakeness

learn to heal from kids is the only thing

if everyone could heal, there is no room for originates sickness and evil

evil ones would be in peace and evil they need no more

evil exist because they feel ill, because they do not know how to prevent illness and heal themselves

learn to heal from kids is key for peace.

Friday, June 10, 2016

fear greed hatred 100616

fear greed hatred 100616

computer digital device and IT are tools to practice fear greed and hatred

not until 1995 personal computer launched does human personal life and enjoyment comes to an end

originally computers are made for reducing men’s work

but actually computers released fear greed and hatred to the extreme

before 1995 we work 9am to 5pm in hong kong with tea breaks in between

after 1995 we work 8:30am to 12am, some work till 3am or 5am with 3.5 hours rest time in 24 hours

computer surely does not make us free but does the other way round, why?

because of fear, greed and hatred

before 1995 when everything is on pen and paper, we does the work and its done

now that computer can easy correct tiny changes here and there, there is endless perfection to be better, endless fear of not perfect, forms greed and hatred

men race between and against each other under perfection and more and more people gone mad

computer make us press a button and our message is communicate around the world

actually what it does is not what you want, its what other people want you to do

we have to press endless button to do a task, but for someone in power they press a button can replace endless buttons that we press

why this authority and power is not available to public-because of fear greed and hatred

the ones in power is not wise enough to realise if they open their authority they would get more benefit

they fear they would lose power when they open authority
they fear so they control, we being control so we fear and greed for freedom and form hatred

wise men would better each other and care for each other
dull men would fear greed and hatred.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

quality or quantity 080616

quality or quantity 080616

our ancestors just like animals in stoneage, they have fresh food and drink, though their life may not be long but surely quality

modern people created cars to reduce exercise and created gym to increase exercise

created junk food and polluted world to create health problems and create medicines to lengthen your pain period

animals do not have innovation ability, they do not have jails nor freedom, they do not have plastic nor cancer, they do not have securities nor fear, they would only kill other animals when needed, they do not have laws or animal rights, they do not free trade nor fair trade, they do not have presidents nor citizens, they do not countries nor passports, they do not color nor creed, they do not have strangers nor friends, they do not have sharings nor social, they do not have celebrations nor wars, they do not have excuses to help others but actually benefit only themselves, they do not have kings that would play stupid on his citizens, they do not have factories that would produce junk goods and pollute our world in the process for cash, they do not have cash nor they need to earn, they do not have knowledge nor they need to learn, they do not have illness nor they need to heal, they do not have museums nor libraries nor schools nor exchange, what is look for is back to nature and be part of animals, human actually created problems and solutions and get profits in between

we have horror movies which call entertainments but when horror came true we call them terrorist

we created pills to strengthen gems and bugs

animals would not fool others, human world actually is actually like a rugby ball or two pyramids stick together

but for any and everyone and matter within the yin and yang zero and one every share is the same

when we get the most of yin, is the start of yang, vice versa

when we get fairly yin, we get fairly yang same with zero and one.

Monday, June 6, 2016

creations and profit 060616

creations and profit 060616

actually all creations is a process or media in seeking peace and profit

like the creation of computer and internet, excuse of bring help to mankind, actually fear hearts brings control to others

the functions of computer and internet is like allowing clients to pick up one grain of sand at a time, only ones with the original code and authority can utilise the world’s sands at once, every grain of sand is every data file

the computer and internet creator is with greatest fear so he/she needs to control, he or she is dull and not wise to open the original code for better the world

we need not control, we need to care

google and apple is a good sample

google and apple care for its clients and comforts its clients so they are the two biggest digital firms on the planet.

peace profit balance

peace profit balance

all souls need peace 

wise souls not seeking, they flow with water, blow with wind
dull souls seek profit and peace

in process of seeking profit and peace we create and use up resources, damaging our natural environment

dulls ones failed to care for themselves and others, they have unpeace hearts and irritated minds causing them to chase for profits and peace but the more they chase the deeper they lost 

actually we need not seek, because we cannot control, so we flow

peace is not to seek
peace is fulfillment and satisfaction of present

peace is flow with water and blow with wind.

Friday, June 3, 2016

The factor 9 030616 v1

The factor 9 030616 v1



















































communication target motive 030616

communication target motive 030616

everything and anything we do there is a top pirority target or motive

communication is key of this century, no matter data communication or communication transporting people or goods

originates of communication transporting people or goods is the lowest price safest service and quickest time

now 2016, soon there will only be autopiloted transporting devices and media around the world

transport and traffic jam is a problem

actually what we need is to get ourselves and our goods from A to B with the lowest price safest duration with shortest time

future world everyone must share public transports or we can hire public transports but we cannot own a private transport device or media

private transport creates most pollution for the world with high running cost

public transport is affordable
private transport must pay for the pollution and health cost and harm to others

if public or semi public transport can do the job with affordable price safe duration with reasonable time there is no room for private transports

we pay dearly for every private transport pollution
we must invest in most modern and environment friendly public transport to help keeping world natural

actually most transporting people or goods are unneeded, they are the luxury consumer with too much money and nothing to do or the big firm with global meetings

for farmers and poor ones, they stay in unpolluted village all their life until their village got force to destroy by modern buildings

actually our greed fear and hatred keep driving us or more whipping us to fight for unwanted needs.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

apple i phone memory and battery jacket/case

apple i phone memory and battery jacket/case

key is the 5 external memory slots is a part and the external battery is a seperate part but external memory slots and external battery can join together and jacket on the phone

because battery always need changing, we have 2 or 3 backup battery from home to office but the memory slots and memory cards x5 hardly needs changing

so everytime we change the jacket, we can unplug the external memory slots from the external battery and slot in another already charged external battery to the external memory slots and wear the jacket on the i phone so the phone can have always fresh external battery and keep the same external five in one memory slots.

no choice just flow 020616

no choice just flow 020616

no one has choice, all souls has no choice, just flow with water blow with wind

if we have choice, we are always in peace

some dull ones say: you are sad because you choose to, i am happy because i choose to-i do not agree

everyone in success would say its their own effort
but when they fail they would realise we do not have choice

the point is there are lucky ones keep come up on different people and we have an illusion of there are lucky ones all the time and all of the lucky one keep saying i choose happy therefore i success making poor ones even poorer and harder life

when the lucky ones fail, they are out of sight, what we need to do is to realise lucky and unlucky is only meanwhile 

success and failure is only a flash