
Saturday, June 18, 2016

swing both ways 180616

swing both ways 180616

we need to ask questions, funny questions that makes complicated things turns stupidly easy and bright to understood

why is there a light bulb in US museum is continuously lighting for over a hundred years since its made, and other bulbs only have hours lifetime?

is it we are unable to make eternal bulbs or we are unwilling to?

a tales tell where pills and ancient medicines solved the eternal health problems of men and can keep mankind in comfort with the most basic and common food and drinks with least cost but for minority selfish profits we choose to bury such data and publish medicines that do harm to organs and cause links of sideeffect illnesses and charge the public on every bit of pain, keeping them painfully alive for getting their pocket money

technology is very easy to develop to the extreme but why we publish bits here and there, have a fart and everyone say wow, have a shit and everyone jumps in laughter and joy-all because of selfish foolish profit

many fools are fear and greed, they only see the minor profit in front of them, polluting the world for pennies but they forget they are living in the same world and the cash they earn can only buy them rotten and polluted goods and services


education is trashing gifts 

we all have unique gifts, why we need to learn others gifts

we can never be exactly the same as others, no matter how hard we try

but we can be unique without trying 

we should encourage uniqueness and say no to copy cats

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