
Saturday, February 29, 2020

Records is bad v2 290220

Records is bad v2 290220

Records is bad

Records creates fear pain sickness, greed fear hatred, addicts for reward

Records includes wealth, learn earn heal, trade laws, money power sex, knowledge, solutions creations pollutions, abuse bully con

For reward and records we drain and dry ourselves to the very last drop

We addicted to reward from records

We addicted to wealth trading, data trading, all trade is records of reward addiction

We need to fade out bit by bit

The only way is to fade out bit by bit

Fade out records addiction bit by bit

We are addicted to records reward

The only way is to return to nature and fade out on records reward

Records reward is a dark hole and dead end

The way out is to gradually drop our rate of records dependency

Drop records and return to nature is the only way for balance n peace.

Records is bad 280220

Records is bad 280220

Records is the only bad thing

With records we fear pain sick

We created records of cash trade laws learn earn heal greed fear hatred

Without records mankind would not recess

We rely on records of formulas, books, data, recipes

Without records we would be free in nature

Records make us build houses, trade good and services, crimes for money, politics and business for profits which everything comes and gone in a click

We fear pain sick because no matter how rich and powerful we are, everything can be gone in a second

Key is to return to nature without wear of clothes, devices nor locks

Key is to drop records

Gradually drop records and return to nature

the only regret is no more music but what comes is sounds of nature and flourish of lives

harmony with nature is the only way to balance n peace

balance n peace only comes when we fades out on records.

Friday, February 28, 2020

Records 280220

Records 280220

The niche of mankind is records

Records make us fear pain sick

Key is drop records

Drop machine lock plastic

Return to harmony with nature

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Records and solution platform 270220

Records and solution platform 270220

Solution platform is a project for records

Records is the niche of mankind

Records and plans is the only difference between mankind and other souls

Records brings us from balance n peace to fear pain sickness

Solution platform is here to heal and trade records and plans which is second choice of bring us back to balance n peace

The first choice of balance and peace is to drop machine lock plastic and return to nature with food rest release but mankind sticks to machine lock plastic addiction so we have to have second choice of project SP

I think coming technology trends green, we will create machines that helps us to food rest release

Present year 2020, we use machine to trade, communicate, games, learn earn heal

Coming goal is to create machines to aid mankind harmony with nature energy to food rest release

Current machines bring us fear pain sickness, exhaustion and tiredness, burn our resources in a press of botton

Coming goal is to create machines to sustain utilize and recycle resources so we can live on clean earth

As time goes earth will engulf by the sun, so we need to create machines helps us migrate to another planet

We need to bring species with us like the ark.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

trump bankrupt

Familiar 260220

Familiar 260220

Familiar is settle of balance n peace

Accidents happen when we new

Key is know what we can do n must not do

When we new we are not sure what we can do and must not do…there comes accidents

New system of trade laws, learn earn heal, machine lock plastic add to food rest release

We simply cannot settle with records n plan

Records n plans are addictive and is junk

When we drop records plans machine lock plastic, trade laws, learn earn heal, we be free

There are too many rules

Follow these rules bring us to hell

There is no rules

There is flowww practice balance

Balance n peace

Monday, February 17, 2020

Dirt familiar

熟悉 就唔會生意外 陌生 就會生意外 無論係時間地方人物 只要我哋熟悉 就唔會生意外 當我哋唔熟悉 就會生病 春天天氣反覆 氣溫上落大 和急 所以春瘟 長期病患 都在春天發作 極端天氣 太冷太熱 人容易生病 汽車容易死火 容易有交通意外 每個人 身體都有 本土細菌和病毒 他們和我們 已經和平共存 因為已經 經過一段適應期 其實細菌病毒 並無善惡之分 只有已經適應 和未曾適應 已經適應 叫做本土細菌病毒 未曾適應 叫做外來細菌病毒 外來細菌病毒 經過一段適應期 就會變成本土病毒 就好似我哋考試測驗一樣 我哋成功考試測驗 就攞到證書 成為榮譽嘅一份子 成為專業人士 成為本土嘅份子 細菌病毒 也要通過 我哋身體嘅考試測驗 當大家係自己友 咁就即係入咗會 踢咗你入會 有啲似黑社會 細菌病毒 係無主孤魂 靠寄居生活 細菌病毒 想與我們 和平共存 細菌病毒 好似二世祖 都係靠爸爸 主人 我諗現代醫學 特別係西方醫學 行錯咗方向 特別喺香港 西方醫學 講求殺菌消毒 正確觀念應該係 與細菌病毒 和平共存 身容百毒毒不侵 殺菌消毒 只會令我哋身體越嚟越弱 殺菌消毒 會引致驚恐症 強迫症 抑鬱症 焦慮症 如果我哋 用盡一切能力 去殺菌消毒 等於集體自殺 因為我哋身體 消化系統 及身體其他每個系統 都充滿住 本土細菌病毒 在塵世間 根本充滿細菌病毒 殺菌消毒 等於自殺 在大自然 動物不會殺菌消毒 動物沒有醫院醫藥 沒有醫療服務 大自然只有草藥 只有礦物 只有資糧 其實一切 失傳經典 皆可從 觀察感受 野生動物 以及大自然中得取 當我們從書本學習 我們便關閉 自己觀察感受嘅能力 小馬鼓勵大家 觀察感受大自然 以及動物反應 多接觸大自然 呼吸新鮮空氣 在大自然走動 我們自然健康 有本英文書叫食泥Eat dirt 裏面講到 泥土 有著各樣益菌 從農作物中 為我們帶來營養 因為現代人 過度殺菌消毒 所以我們腸臟 消化系統 長期乾涸 引致百病叢生 作者說 我們需要 污糟一點 當我們 能夠與惡菌共存 就是健康的開始 我是尊重地說 印度 不但是佛教 和瑜珈之源 還是智慧和健康之門

Saturday, February 8, 2020


口罩根本冇用 如果口罩有用 醫院醫護 為何要全副武裝 由頭笠到落腳呢

Friday, February 7, 2020

mat ill

mat ill 欺負,欺凌,欺騙, 分裂,強迫,創傷, 焦慮,自閉,溝通, 社交,兩極,屈燥, 火毒,肝屈,肺燥, 睡眠,幻覺,chur 自閉症 autism 自閉,亞氏 敏感,緊張 焦慮,壓力 天才,資優 強迫,創傷 分裂 Dr Chan Chen 300113 完美主義perfectionist 非黑即白 一步到位 被動內向introvert 自閉autism 亞氏asperger 社交Social 溝通Commu 同理心 過動ADHD 創傷trauma 強迫obsessive compulsive disorder 分裂schi 兩極bipolar 極度敏感Hyper sensitive 抑鬱depress 表達express 觀察observe 分析analyse fear Hatred Greed Insult Disrespect Discriminate Illusion Gifted Impairment 愛心 Care love 同情心sympathy 安 Split OCD schi 忍耐力 叻勁 Truma OCD obsessive compulsive disorder Schi Bipolar hyper Depress ADHD attention deficit hyperactive disorder Autism Communication Express Social Observe Fear Insult Anger hatred Gifted Illusion 抗屈辱建自信展所長 貪怒驚貪嗔癡

mat ill

欺負,欺凌,欺騙, 分裂,強迫,創傷, 焦慮,自閉,溝通, 社交,兩極,屈燥, 火毒,肝屈,肺燥, 睡眠,幻覺,chur 自閉症 autism 自閉,亞氏 敏感,緊張 焦慮,壓力 天才,資優 強迫,創傷 分裂 Dr Chan Chen 300113 完美主義perfectionist 非黑即白 一步到位 被動內向introvert 自閉autism 亞氏asperger 社交Social 溝通Commu 同理心 過動ADHD 創傷trauma 強迫obsessive compulsive disorder 分裂schi 兩極bipolar 極度敏感Hyper sensitive 抑鬱depress 表達express 觀察observe 分析analyse fear Hatred Greed Insult Disrespect Discriminate Illusion Gifted Impairment 愛心 Care love 同情心sympathy 安 Split OCD schi 忍耐力 叻勁 Truma OCD obsessive compulsive disorder Schi Bipolar hyper Depress ADHD attention deficit hyperactive disorder Autism Communication Express Social Observe Fear Insult Anger hatred Gifted Illusion 抗屈辱建自信展所長 貪怒驚貪嗔癡

mat ill

mat ill 140719 被劉馬車啟發 其實我唔食藥得唔得 食少啲藥得唔得 究竟我而家 係唔係食緊 適當份量嘅藥 又有冇需要 食藥呢 佢係過度活躍 我係精神分裂 Meanwhile resources Balance is peace Fear is pain Enjoy now Regrets past Worry future 失去平衡 痛苦 貪嗔癡 怕錯怕衰輸唔起 擔心意外 怕控制唔到 情緒精神心理 身心靈 運動創傷 內感傳裏 至親離世 學習環境 突然變化 難以適應 自閉 溝通 社交 因緣際會 際遇 強迫 驚恐 焦慮抑鬱 抑鬱躁狂 過度活躍 障礙天才 溝通表達理解分析 觀察感受 創傷 兩極 分裂 睡眠幻覺Chur 消化 尿遺 心肝脾肺腎 腰椎頸椎脊椎 忍耐力 心地善良 有愛心 同理心 極度敏感 欠缺靈活 尊重信任欣賞 珍惜 溝通價值 完美主義 非黑即白 一步到位 被動內向 緊張 認真 壓力 資優人士 火毒肝鬱肺燥 鬱躁 平衡 欺負欺凌欺騙 欺詐欺瞞 好威好叻好勁

mat ill

M mat ill 欺負,欺凌,欺騙, 分裂,強迫,創傷, 焦慮,自閉,溝通, 社交,兩極,屈燥, 火毒,肝屈,肺燥, 睡眠,幻覺,chur 自閉症 autism 自閉,亞氏 敏感,緊張 焦慮,壓力 天才,資優 強迫,創傷 分裂 Dr Chan Chen 300113 完美主義perfectionist 非黑即白 一步到位 被動內向introvert 自閉autism 亞氏asperger 社交Social 溝通Commu 同理心 過動ADHD 創傷trauma 強迫obsessive compulsive disorder 分裂schi 兩極bipolar 極度敏感Hyper sensitive 抑鬱depress 表達express 觀察observe 分析analyse fear Hatred Greed Insult Disrespect Discriminate Illusion Gifted Impairment 愛心 Care love 同情心sympathy 安 Split OCD schi 忍耐力 叻勁 Truma OCD obsessive compulsive disorder Schi Bipolar hyper Depress ADHD attention deficit hyperactive disorder Autism Communication Express Social Observe Fear Insult Anger hatred Gifted Illusion 抗屈辱建自信展所長 貪怒驚貪嗔癡

mat ill

M 欺負,欺凌,欺騙, 分裂,強迫,創傷, 焦慮,自閉,溝通, 社交,兩極,屈燥, 火毒,肝屈,肺燥, 睡眠,幻覺,chur 自閉症 autism 自閉,亞氏 敏感,緊張 焦慮,壓力 天才,資優 強迫,創傷 分裂 Dr Chan Chen 300113 完美主義perfectionist 非黑即白 一步到位 被動內向introvert 自閉autism 亞氏asperger 社交Social 溝通Commu 同理心 過動ADHD 創傷trauma 強迫obsessive compulsive disorder 分裂schi 兩極bipolar 極度敏感Hyper sensitive 抑鬱depress 表達express 觀察observe 分析analyse fear Hatred Greed Insult Disrespect Discriminate Illusion Gifted Impairment 愛心 Care love 同情心sympathy 安 Split OCD schi 忍耐力 叻勁 Truma OCD obsessive compulsive disorder Schi Bipolar hyper Depress ADHD attention deficit hyperactive disorder Autism Communication Express Social Observe Fear Insult Anger hatred Gifted Illusion 抗屈辱建自信展所長 貪怒驚貪嗔癡

mat ill

mat ill 111119 其實我唔食藥得唔得 食少啲藥得唔得 究竟我而家 係唔係食緊 適當份量嘅藥 又有冇需要 食藥呢 我係精神分裂 Meanwhile resources Balance is peace Fear is pain Enjoy now Regrets past Worry future 失去平衡 痛苦 貪嗔癡 怕錯怕衰輸唔起 擔心意外 怕控制唔到 情緒精神心理 身心靈 運動創傷 內感傳裏 至親離世 學習環境 突然變化 難以適應 自閉 溝通 社交 因緣際會 際遇 強迫 驚恐 焦慮抑鬱 抑鬱躁狂 過度活躍 障礙天才 溝通表達理解分析 觀察感受 創傷 兩極 分裂 睡眠幻覺Chur 消化 尿遺 心肝脾肺腎 腰椎頸椎脊椎 忍耐力 心地善良 有愛心 同理心 極度敏感 欠缺靈活 尊重信任欣賞 珍惜 溝通價值 完美主義 非黑即白 一步到位 被動內向 緊張 認真 壓力 資優人士 火毒肝鬱肺燥 鬱躁 平衡 欺負欺凌欺騙 欺詐欺瞞 好威好叻好勁

mat ill

mat ill 111119 v2 欺負,欺凌,欺騙, 分裂,強迫,創傷, 焦慮,自閉,溝通, 社交,兩極,屈燥, 火毒,肝屈,肺燥, 睡眠,幻覺,chur 自閉症 autism 自閉,亞氏 敏感,緊張 焦慮,壓力 天才,資優 強迫,創傷 分裂 Dr Chan Chen 300113 完美主義perfectionist 非黑即白 一步到位 被動內向introvert 自閉autism 亞氏asperger 社交Social 溝通Commu 同理心 過動ADHD 創傷trauma 強迫obsessive compulsive disorder 分裂schi 兩極bipolar 極度敏感Hyper sensitive 抑鬱depress 表達express 觀察observe 分析analyse fear Hatred Greed Insult Disrespect Discriminate Illusion Gifted Impairment 愛心 Care love 同情心sympathy 安 Split OCD schi 忍耐力 叻勁 Truma OCD obsessive compulsive disorder Schi Bipolar hyper Depress ADHD attention deficit hyperactive disorder Autism Communication Express Social Observe Fear Insult Anger hatred Gifted Illusion 抗屈辱建自信展所長 貪怒驚貪嗔癡

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Crystal ball

水晶球被打成粉 然後叫我們齊心