
Thursday, March 16, 2017

Computer data 160317

Computer data 160317

Present year 2017 computer data is a mess

It is easy to set up a brand new system to yield from data creations

I use mac since 2010 and use computer since 1995

The computer system has never changed nor developed from 1995 to 2017/3/16

I have over 97% of my files and data creations are repeated

We need a system and a platform for data creations that would auto backup our original data creations but these backup must not mix with the original data creations

Every original data creations is displayed in timelines in factors and statistics is presented in circles charts and diagrams

Every identity owns plenty devices, devices owns by the same identity shares an original data creations timeline

Every factor owns their own timeline eg identity mat using device code 897899 using application code77898978 practicing functions code8988 in time0800 gps location 888909

Every factor owns a timeline
Factor includes identity time location device application functions creations and you name it

Original data creations are displayed and can be found and searched in factors timeline transferring the physical world into data creations experience history and memories

We can learn earn and heal through exchanging original data creations solutions and experience through identities time and locations

Original data creations solutions experience and history exchange between identities time and locations for learn earn heal and peace.

病教懂我,一切自找 不要自取其辱 是種挑戰,是種刺激


