
Friday, May 6, 2011

greed fear hatred

greed fear hatred

problems are generated from/by greed fear and hatred
we always greed for more, we like we love we want to own it, get it, we always want more, more money, more luxury, more enjoyment, more happiness, more sex, more comfort, more love, more care, we want more and more, much more than we ever need, mobile phone and computers, communication is a good example for our terrible greed, we always want to stay in touch, in the 90s when we didn’t have mobile phones and internet, remember how we lived then and compare how we live now?

we survived for many thousand years without technology and nowadays seems we cannot survive without it

we are much too reliant and cannot be independent
the more we rely on outer aid, the less our inner power will shine

we fear to be alone, we fear to lose things, we fear to be dropped, we fear to fail, we fear to be lost, we fear the unknown

we hate where/who/when/whats make us irritant, we want comfort

all is generated from “compare”, something to compare with

the mother of all pain is compare
we compare now with the past and future

i was very rich, now bankrupted
i am working, don’t know when will i retire
i was healthy, now i am ill
i am at the bottom don’t know when will i get to the top and fall to the bottom again

i greed for more
i fear of letting go
i hate discomfort

we always compare, when we compare we are in pain
we are irritant because we cannot get what we want

‘focus on now, do not compare’

babies learn things the quickest because they focus 100% on/at this moment/now/present

comfort and discomfort, more and less, own it and lose it, love and hate, care and don’t care, happy and sad, rich and poor, high and low, black and white, loud and quiet, normal and abnormal, quick and slow, weak and strong, win and lose, sharp and blunt are all oppose to compare

living creatures all looking for “comfort”

compare/fluctuate make us discomfort
comfort and peace is found when and only when we stop to compare

there is nothing to compare, there is only one, the one, the only one...

when we go shopping, greed of owning hook onto us
when we invest, numbers changes controls our mood
when we are in love, our lovers action, speech and thoughts controls us
when we play a game, our performance controls us
when we learn, our marks controls us
when we drive, our speed controls us
we are never in control when we compare
we need to focus 100% on/at now...

problems from choices

problems from choices

problems are generated from 'too many choices'

if we don't own anything, don't have anything, problems would not be there

a fire starts because we have something to burn with

in the city we have to think hard on what to wear, what to eat, what to buy, which friend to call and meet

think! if we have no clothes to wear, no food to eat, no money to buy, no friend to call or meet in the first place...where are all the problems gone...haha

so the poorest place on earth is where people find least worries and found most happiness

that's why the more we have and the richer we are the more unhappy and the more dissatisfy we becomes

all we need to do is to unload...unload what we have thats when our greed, our hatred, our fear and our problems be solved

motive and interpretation

motive and interpretation

incoming and outgoing
we intake and send out endless signals every second by all parts of our body

what we think, say and act
how we express ourselves

very few of us can control ourselves well, what we think, say and act

how we decide to think say and act is one thing and how others interpret what we think say and act is another

ever try to send a text message on your mobile phone where same words can means something completely different when it reaches your mate