
Saturday, July 19, 2014

solutions learn and work 190714

solutions learn and work 190714

things need balance
souls need peace

parents invest cash-(bank notes for exchange) in kids for learning solutions

when kids becomes adults and work, they use solutions they learnt and provides solutions (expertise) for others to exchange cash-(goods and services that provides the owner with solutions they need

investment is about exchange of solutions

whether a person or a family can invest and exchange successfully and become wealthy or poor, its purely up to ‘the factor’.


world is games of exchanging solutions for peace...till eternal peace

parents provide solutions for others to earn a living for the family and kids education

parents exchange out solutions to exchange in bank notes that represents / hold the power of exchange in other solutions for the family

parents exchange out solutions partly for kids to exchange in solutions (knowledge-expertise and skills) where kids can later on use the solutions they armed to exchange for more or less solutions and become more or less wealthy depends purely on ‘the factor’.