
Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Gold fish

one 021018

one 021018



I do not understand why we repeat duplicate but hardly backup

Especially in data machines,

mat creates machines that fits, machines that creates balance and peace but not abuse bully pain greed fear hatred

present year 2018 since 1995 machines been creating endless abuse bully pain greed fear hatred to mankind

machines by mat fits balance peace mankind

ever realise why we repeat duplicate but never backup

because machines is not secure, no matter how many times we repeat duplicate and backup we feel danger

if machine can balance peace us we no need to repeat

repeat is an action for danger and unsure and irritation and pain

if we repeat once we repeat endless times

we need to done it at once no repeat no duplicate but backup

circles system done things at once



相同不同 反覆思考瘋子行為 未係瘋子就一剔過 Gold


醒目, 思路清析, 講野清楚 Leung


行家太太 行家點形成嘅呢 先天後天父母祖先 環境飲食與基因 泥土陽光與水分 長期想得太多 長期抑鬱長期焦慮 長期被忽略 長期被否定 長期被質疑 長期 被欺負欺凌欺騙 長期緊張 長期超支 長期透支 長期入不敷支 長期要求過高 長期能力太窮 長期太大壓力 長期不順 環境不好 飲食不調 家中不和 心靈不安 長期怨冤屈辱 長期太過認真 長期太過嚴肅 長期太 貪嗔癡 長期太計較 長期太比較 不善溝通不善表達 長期不顧及人己感受 長期認為自己失去比得到嘅多 長期集中喺失去 長期不懂得開心


給別人嘅禮物 就係給自己嘅 救命包 好壞參半 對於瘋子來説 每一件事每一個人都超級重要 疏忽了自己感受 承受能力 對於自己長期過份要求 過份苛刻 無間鞭打 直至倒下 對於未係瘋子來說 世上絕大部分嘅嘢冇所謂 但係有一啲極少部份嘅嘢 係絕對不能做 不能碰 不能講 最好唔好去想 唔好想得太多 否則就會成為行家 喺絕對乾淨中 尋找污垢 係瘋子行為 絕望就係 嘗試從完美中找缺陷 會令人崩潰 要求太高, 能力太窮 Through circles devices, systems n apps, we can records experience creations n solutions n trade them for our daily supplies Circles helps us connect communicate create records n trade experience n solutions Circles helps us communicate create One no repeat Circles helps us heal n peace Circles makes life easy n simple Circles connect us through our creations Ones with similar creations have similar background n should be good buddies Key is to find ones similar to ourselves through our device system app We all behind glass, knows us best is our device, we connect communicate heal n peace best bet by n through our connected device Gold