
Tuesday, October 23, 2018

circles solution platform 231018

circles solution platform 231018

circles solution platform is a data system for balance healing for souls in circles presentations of solution trade platform

anyone and anything is made up of endless factors, each factor represent by a circle

whom with that factor shares that circle and everyone or everything belongs to endless circles

we record data of circles that everyone belongs to

we may be good or poor in some circles but some other circles that we havent had chance to meet we may be gifted brilliant and excellent at

key of circles solution platform is for everyone and everything reach balance

balance of food rest release and trade

we finds what we need is next door

until this platform mankind creating junks that dont fit

key is to balance food rest release

animals need no healing no education no trade so is mankind

best is for human to live harmony with nature just like animals on each where food rest release of mankind is part of nature but not something extra

we do not need machines nor plastic

machines and plastic are creations by fools for follies

we need nature

we need harmony and yin yang balance with nature.


表哥 任何人,包括姑丈,安為首要,安者平安自在,身安心安,心足舒適也 醫生首要目的賺錢,病者及家人首要身安心安 其實癌細胞只是人體細胞的一種每人都有,癌細胞分佈在身體各部份,會隨著基因,年齡,環境與飲食,增加或減少 姑丈需要安,癌細胞只是一個名稱形容詞給醫生和醫藥商人賺錢借口 近年美國人已明白及流行"安為本",因大家明白病徵,病症只是花錢及搵錢工具而不會被病名誤導而花錢在自己不需的醫學產品和服務,因"自己本安"而給報告恐嚇而"為安心"而"接受治療"最後用巨額"買身心受苦" 千萬不要因驚和貪安而令自己或家人包括姑丈不安,不尋貪求便安,凡人"不尋求,便自在" Matthew

