
Friday, May 24, 2019

Trade war solution 240519

Trade war solution 240519

The solution for trade war and any war or conflict is to drop machine lock plastic

Drop machine lock plastic is the only solution to any war or conflict.

Healing and sickness 240519

Healing and sickness 240519

Machine lock plastic originates sickness

Healing is to drop machine lock plastic

Machine lock plastic originates abuse bully con pain fear greed hatred in the process of trade

We need to end trade

We must back to nature

We must food rest release with nature

Nature is food rest release of energy

Balance energy of food rest release is health

Balance energy of food rest release

Food rest release.

Nature 240519

Nature 240519

Modern world is a con bully abuse creating thirst hunger and poverty

The solution is to drop machine lock plastic and return to nature

Souls in nature practice food rest release

Souls only need food rest release

Food rest release