Friday, June 22, 2018
我真係點搞都搞唔明白 點解人類係咁cheap嘅 其實呢個世界嘅價值 完全係為咗利益 就係咁簡單 唔好講仁義道德 金科玉律聖言之書 全部都係牟利嘅工具
如果有啲人話俾你聽 佢係好善心㗎 咁你就可以肯定 最邪惡嗰個就係佢 試問一個男人 會唔會四周圍話畀人聽佢係一個男人呢 只有騙子 會四周圍話畀人聽佢係老實嘅 阿爸阿媽教落 調轉嚟聽調轉嚟睇 咁就係個真相呀
點解梁振英時代 搞到要暴動呀 因為明明 社會不和唔緊要 市民都冇乜怨言 但係佢夾硬話 個個市民都係特首 個個市民都有得揀 呢下嘢就好多人好唔老嚟啦 明明畀你鬱 chok住道氣 逆來順受都唔緊要 你唔好抹大眼講大話嗎 苦已經受咗 但係你話我享樂喎 我咪同你死過囉
說話唔好倒轉嚟講 天知地知你知我知 大家都知 一個地方有冇自由 唔係靠把口講呀 唔係靠洗腦呀 喺大家心裏面公認嘅 市民受緊苦 唔使你道歉呀 你都唔好講反話 你當自己 抑或當市民係白痴啦
有好多問題好易解決㗎咋 但係如果最明顯嗰條路封咗 要迫啲市民行為啲旁門左道 呢個就係啲官員嘅責任 我覺得啲法例 應該行咗先 慢慢修改 事先諮詢係多餘呀 因為收埋嚟諮詢 根本冇人知道就已經過期啦 等於冇諮詢過 推出咗啲例慢慢修改 大家都意識到 新例嘅重要性
公道自在人心 特別喺香港 愚民政策行唔通呀 祖國成日話俾人知 祖國幾咁自由 福利幾咁好 我識得好多達官貴人 攬埋啲錢 飛走咗 事實勝於雄辯 每處地方 達官貴人知道嘢最多 主席個女係美國人 不過美國就唔係好安全 有好多暴力事件槍擊案 世上無樂土 香港算幾好 如果你問我 春秋祭掃墓 祖先保佑到
i just dont understand 220618
i just dont understand 220618
i just dont understand why we pay for data device connection and power for creating data for others benefit
why there is no way for data creators to earn from data they created casually
we pay for computers mobiles connections power storage for creating and keeping and burning our resource
there must be a poverty in a need in a casual way of earning with our data creations and solutions
we welcome copy cat, we even pay copy cats for sharing our creation but key is the creators must earns the majority casually from their original creations and solutions
mat cannot see a difficult in that
it is simple easy and make sense
i just dont understand why we pay for data device connection and power for creating data for others benefit
why there is no way for data creators to earn from data they created casually
we pay for computers mobiles connections power storage for creating and keeping and burning our resource
there must be a poverty in a need in a casual way of earning with our data creations and solutions
we welcome copy cat, we even pay copy cats for sharing our creation but key is the creators must earns the majority casually from their original creations and solutions
mat cannot see a difficult in that
it is simple easy and make sense
reward and honor 220618
reward and honor 220618
reward and honor are keys for drive
data devices record our creations and solutions in timeline
we are all unique with creations and solutions that must be reward and honor
there are plenty whom with creation and solution power but plenty with copy cat power
copy cat should be reward and honor too, not for stealing but for passing on the good
creators must be rewarded most
ones who sharing and pass on the creations and solutions is rewarded and honored a share
with most reward goes to creators with the circles system we can label and ban ones cheated us so left with honest ones and powerful ones
ones who cheats are labeled by the public and soon no one would cheat because cheat gets you nowhere
souls niche creation power
souls are creators with body and mind
key is to reward creators most and fine ones who cheat
when we reward good and fine bad soon there will be good
but key is balance
balance good and bad
balance yin and yang
reward and honor are keys for drive
data devices record our creations and solutions in timeline
we are all unique with creations and solutions that must be reward and honor
there are plenty whom with creation and solution power but plenty with copy cat power
copy cat should be reward and honor too, not for stealing but for passing on the good
creators must be rewarded most
ones who sharing and pass on the creations and solutions is rewarded and honored a share
with most reward goes to creators with the circles system we can label and ban ones cheated us so left with honest ones and powerful ones
ones who cheats are labeled by the public and soon no one would cheat because cheat gets you nowhere
souls niche creation power
souls are creators with body and mind
key is to reward creators most and fine ones who cheat
when we reward good and fine bad soon there will be good
but key is balance
balance good and bad
balance yin and yang
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