
Thursday, August 20, 2015

Music for Sleeping and Dreaming with your Angels


Musebrary created by mat on 200815 1813


Number One Seller of our Relaxation Music

1 hour nature sounds birdsong-Naturaleza 1 hora suena, canto de los pája...

sugar theory 200815

sugar theory 200815

if we would like sweet-we need sugar or honey, if we need salty, we need salt

no matter who when what where how you are sugar for sweet and salt for salty is the formula, the equation and the rule

for a person that has recognition problem, when he like sweet-he finds the look of salt comfort and when he like salty-she finds the look of sugar attractive-the result can only be tragedy

so why some men can sleep with 600 women a year let alone for aids, because he got the formula, why buffet is king of shares and why mj is king of basket king of pop and king for 400m

it is because when the situation needs sweet he has got sugar to feed and is willing to feed sugar 

all is about-the factor.