
Saturday, June 14, 2014



kids has least values in his/her life timeline
learning put values in kids cognitive and some labels are  healthy and some are ill

as parents teacher and coach, we should let our kids shine their brightness from their very inner self through the universe

every soul has its values, we need to give it time and room to shine and express itself peacefully

the very best of our own true self is our pure soul and its true values, we has got everything to be peaceful, but most of us after we are born, we are being forced to learn and being forced to contaminates our inner self with outer pollutants and sadly this pollutants fights with our pure soul and makes us ill

we need time, space and room to sit down peacefully, settle and express and shine our gifts and talent through  time space and all dimensions

finally we would find settling down in peaceful eternity is the peace of nothing and no one where we are dissolved into time space and dimensions without our own self and we are everywhere, everything and everyone

we does not exist and anything and everything will do for peace.