
Wednesday, December 2, 2009


I am thanksgiving that i can give

I give hope to my family and friends and people that meets me

I give up my health for doctors to feed their family

I give up my time and energy for social workers to earn their meal

I give up my money for clothes, food, accommodation and transportation and every cent i spent is to keep the economy growing, keep the world moving, keep the people living, keep everyone feeding

The more able i am the more i give
If i am not here many will suffer
So i thank myself that i can give


I once asked myself what is the meaning of life and what is the purpose of living

There are many answers after thinking hard for a while

I live/exist because there are lots of lives in need of my helping hand

I enjoy the process of living

I enjoy doing what i am doing

I enjoy being an ass...joking

I enjoy the the disabilities, the challenges, the difficulties and the game of life

The purpose of my existance is to help every single living thing to become Buddha and to "empty the hell out"...literally

Hope heaven won't become to crowded...haha