
Thursday, February 28, 2019

Mental patients and mood patients 280219

Mental patients and mood patients 280219

Mental patients and mood patients are born with poor DNA and poor fate where whatever they do is wrong

Their ancestors parents environment and food counts

They from families which always conflicts and combats restless and never settle nor balance

Their poor DNA breakdown in certain age under pressure and poor environment with meeting the wrong people with wrong things at wrong time with wrong situations and tools

Patients are extremely able and careful but with ill mindset where creates back and neck breaking weights of history and torture and trauma past

Environments and parents are harsh on their with poor medical healings where doctors never home to understand situations fully

With wrong treatment and without solutions for their problems turning them into hospital

All they need is ones faith in them but in hospital healing are testing examinate them and never trusting

Patients need faith respect cherish appreciation communication and values and they never get these in healing

Healing process are going the opposite direction, healing is making sure they don’t harm self and others taking away their freedom which is the harm to them making them want to harm even more

Locking up patients never help

The wish is to wish everyone experience my experience

Doctors knows these not help but they need to earn money and the harming self and others is the first priority to avoid

The top priority is to balance patients not to pain them

If healing make patients feel pain that is not healing that is illing

I say that again

Healing is to balance not to pain

Pain is to ill not to heal

Healing is to balance.

Monday, February 25, 2019


Mum never wanted me to be happy, she wanted me to study, then to work, to stand on me own, to heal, to earn money, to get a girl that she likes, to make her proud my feelings is never mum n dad concern, they always want me to achieve one thing after the other like playing fetch like a dog n me feelings n me happiness is never anyone's concern I achieve nearly every target but I lost my feelings my happiness n me life.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Solution platform 230219

Solution platform 230219

Solution platform for candy

Solution platform is a project for balance and healing solution and creations and records trading

We create records, data records of our experience in time place and identity

We create data records of our balance and healing experience through data devices

We wear mobile data devices with us round the clock

Data devices are everywhere

Data devices can record our breath, heart rate, pulse, our voice, our look, our food rest release, our habits and everyday life

Data devices is our pocket healer

Our data healing and balancing experience is recorded and shared and trade in the global database

The database can auto group ones with similar experience with similar factors and similar success or failure healing experience and solutions or resources in the database

This project is like a 24 hours pocket doctor who knows every client and symptoms and solutions in history

In the old day till present, we feel ill, go to doctor or hospital or look up info on google

Queue up for doctor who send us on test

Wait for test results and wait for doctor to explain these results

With doctor little knowledge whom don’t update for decades

Doctor whom just seen hundreds patients with poor knowledge in books

Prescribe us with medicine or send us to specialist

Queue up for specialist and send us on more test and more specialist and if you meet a bad doctor or two in between, you are screwed

Majority of clients are in wrong prescription wrong treatment with medical accidents in between

Smart doctor take your money, record you reactions, put them in his library and earn more money with your experience

Currently we are paying doctors to learn earn heal with our painful experience

With solution platform

Data devices and database records every clients habit symptoms illnesses reactions and healing and balancing experience, share these info with everyone else through big data with privacy

Big data help us to get just the data we need that similar to our experience

We get most value and most reliable and up to date healing experience with all the healing solutions in history of mankind

With our mobile data devices like mobile smart phone or smart watch with data connections and solution platform app connected to our global database of healing experience, everyone can balance and heal with ease of enjoyment

Cutting over 99.999999% of the healing bills and pain

We can do it with solution platform and doctors are focus on operations and creating new healing solutions.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Pollution 200219

Pollution 200219

Present year 2019, pollution is the problem with clean resources on planet earth

Pollution is created from poverty of fear and greed

Pollution are in land water air light heat sound poison plastic and plenty more

We need to clean and avoid pollution from source

We need to stop producing plastic…no excuses

Pollution mainly come from generating and consuming power

We need to create machines that help us clean and balance

Solution platform is the idea for rewarding creators with ideas that ends pollution

We need to recycle resources

We need green machines

We need machines that help us to clean and balance our bodies and environment

We need governments to band production of plastic and band repeat machines broadcasting

Plastic pollution is the biggest issue

Air land water light heat sound pollution also stands in the way

We need to pass laws to save our planet earth before we suffocates

We need to keep greens which provides us with fresh air

Save our planet
End pollution.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019


山有山的高度,水有水的深度,沒必要攀比。 每個人都有自己的長處。 風有風的自由,雲有雲的溫柔,沒必要模仿, 每個人都有自己的個性。 您認為快樂的,就去尋找。 您認為值得的,就去守候。 您認為幸福的,就去珍惜。 依心而行,無憾今生。 人生1條路: 走自己的路。 人生2件寶:身體好、心情好。 人生3忘掉:年齡、疾病、恩怨。 人生有4苦:看不透、捨不得、輸不起、放不下。 人生5句話: 再難也要堅持, 再好也要淡泊, 再差也要自信, 再多也要節省, 再冷也要熱情。 人生6財富: 身體、知識、夢想、 信念 、自信、骨氣。 * *今天是世界朋友日。送給 最好的朋友,想起誰,送給誰。*

Chinese lesson one

國民教育第一課 探討與認識 欺與誠 謊話與實話的分别與定義

Chinese kung fu is bullshit

Chinese功夫 bullshit 啦 點解 因為嗰啲老屎忽 為咗錢乜鳩垃圾徒弟都收 加埋啲功夫哈哈伯伯遺禍人間 鬼佬一粒子彈能搞掂你啦bullshit 中國人都係咁衰呀 一個欺字講曬囉 欺負欺凌欺騙欺詐欺壓 畀多二百年中國都唔會好呀我同你講 人嘅劣根性喺中國隨處可見 見到佢哋過撚過唔出聲係毒手機 個個各懷鬼胎 所以咪畀啲鬼佬撳住砌囉 香港淪陷啦 港人絕種啦 如果你留意中國人 不外乎重複重複同埋重複 強迫強逼同埋強迫 因為佢哋搵唔到個竅門呀嗎 中國人見高拜見低踩 憎人富貴厭人貧 我對於自己嘅身份感到羞恥 呢個係我嘅良知 我唔想喺一個欺負欺凌欺騙欺詐欺壓嘅民族 因為呢個民族冇未來冇明天冇前途 去到邊啲攪碎成個世界 我真係感覺到好羞恥呀 因為我要同一班咁嘅垃圾一齊 一班淨係識得抄襲 只係識得 搶劫的匪徒 好心你班垃圾 有啲良心啦 不分是非黑白 隨時畀人煽動利用 對住你班垃圾我一搖搖頭呀 去邊度好玩邊個靚女邊個靚仔你又識喎 即係你哋唔係白痴啦 你哋係 愚痴呀 呢個世界已經到咗末世 有你哋班垃圾當度 好無奈好絕望 嗰啲老嘢唔出嚟撥亂反正 反而助長歪風 後生嘅咪有樣學樣啦 如果想個世界好 大家就唔好欺呀 如果唔係遲早一日 炸撚死曬你不含家產

Monday, February 18, 2019


高級的人 太信因果 成為瘋子 中級的人 半信半疑 被人統治 低級的人 不信因果 統治世界

通經 flowww

心经不通一一记仇。 肝经不通一一发怒。 脾经不通一一抱怨。 肺经不通一一悲伤。 肾经不通一一压力。 心包经不通一一压抑。 胆经不通一一焦虑。 胃经不通一一急躁。 小肠经不通一一哀愁。 大肠经不通一一懊恼。 膀胱经不通一一消沉。 三焦经不通一一紧张。 对照一下,原谅身边你看不顺眼的人,多多锻炼,修炼心经,自己学会放下,宽容别人等于放生自己。



First aid

First aid for mood patients from mat 170119 After each meal, put grains of salt at the middle of your palm, lick it up, taste for 2 seconds then drink a bit of warm water to bring it down Do the same to black pepper straight after There are small bottles with grinder of salt and pepper in the supermarket for sell My teacher taught mat, if you can bring some olive oil, some malt vinegar, some salt and some black pepper in small glass bottles with you to all meals, some white and brown sugar for drinks is key for good health mat and his teacher discover, mood patients has defects and weakness in their digestion and digestive system where a kind of yeast is missing in their digestion system, salt and black pepper can trigger the digestion process replacing the missing yeast function mood we think is the brain but it’s the heart, the blood and the digestive system which we meals at least 3 times daily intake plenty food drinks and a good or poor digestive system counts on the root of all our health and illness a good person has a good digestive system and vice versa if more research is done we would find out criminals and patients must have a problem in digest salt and black pepper is key also olive oil, malt vinegar and brown sugar.

First aid kit from mat

小馬急救包 First aid pack from mat Creating Poems Sharing poems Chat and play with your kids Grow some plants Go to the library Go swimming in public pools Go to the park 練氣Contact me for free sessions Shop for food and do some cooking Have clock hotel trips with wife once a month with condom Chat with friends or chat on forum Helping others Volunteering Creating records of audio video photos notes Creating articles sharing on Google blogger Create and run your own blog Food rest release Buffet Outlet Hotel Travel Local tour Short tour One or two nights tour 美食團 煎牛扒 Yogurt and cheese from supermarket Shopping in supermarket or market Drawing Sketching Music Apple music best with WiFi Radio rthk radio 4 and radio 2 can revise on rthk website for free with WiFi Taking photos taking notes with Google keep 蒸咸肥豬腩肉 蝦醬蒸豬腩肉 蒸鹽香五花腩 Massage Creating solutions Creating notes Chat on forum Reading Release Creating 大悲咒 by 黄慧音 Relaxing in nature with greens in park Hiking Beach Shek O Sharing Jazz music Blues music Soul music New age music Piano music Classical music White noise Yoga music Ocean sounds Thunderstorms and raining sounds YouTube search for Johnnie Lawson Wikipedia Google search Google images Listening to radio Rest release Notes with pen and paper Doodling Noodles Bread and butter with salt and vinegar Fresh fruits and greens Vegetables 冰糖檸檬普洱茶 橄欖油鹽陳醋飯 柴米油鹽醬醋茶 Contact me for more information Matthew Ma

Sunday, February 17, 2019


Mankind is nothing but abuse


世事算不了計不清 唯有一切隨水


世事看不清 一切皆順水

Saturday, February 16, 2019

I just don’t understand 160219

I just don’t understand 160219

I just don’t understand…

Politicians keeps telling lies

Machines keep failing

Locks keep us poor

Plastic keep us suffocates

Mankind keep us in pain

We keep creating rubbish

Why are we keeping faith in our learn earn heal and society

Society full of wicked minds creating from modern education

Why we keeping these shits


We soon drown in our own creations of rubbish

We have nothing but money

Money is nothing but a lie we trust.

Abuse 160219

Abuse 160219

Abuse is creation of poverty by ones who foolish thirst hunger

Trade creates poverty

Education and healing creates poverty

Learn earn heal creates poverty

Greed fear hatred creates poverty

Machines locks plastic creates poverty

Mankind creates poverty

Foolish is poverty

Pain is poverty

Povert y

Po verty

Poverty is getting more than we need

Poverty is fear of thirst

Fear of hunger is poverty

Poverty is fear

Fear is poverty.

Thank you

不過我好多謝 十分感謝 媽媽煮美食 爸爸陪我傾計 一家人建立嘅安樂窩 喺我病患時 衣食住行總算可以 萬分感恩

Friday, February 15, 2019

Learn from animals and observe nature 150219

Learn from animals and observe nature 150219

Knowledge record in books and memories are records of observations from our ancestors

Plenty records are lost but we can observe nature to create our records of observation

Mankind created machines locks plastic, poverty thirst hunger

No animals abuse nature resources except mankind

Except mankind no souls need electricity

Souls and nature need food rest release and balance of energy and power

We don’t need trade, shops, computers, data machines, wear, fashion, accessories

We don’t need to mass breed and kill for food

In nature no animals need drugs nor healing

No learn earn heal is needed in nature

No bank pay shares property cash trade

No records libraries museums schools hospitals jail court city

Mankind is a foolish breed that work so hard on things that they cant control yet control by others

Souls and things only need food rest release

Food rest release.

Thursday, February 14, 2019


中國人 我不止 你不值


沒道德 沒榮譽 沒宗教 沒法律


我願眾生 經歷我所經歷


眾生萬物 出入平安


濫用就要 付出代價


將自己嘅私隱 透露畀你知道 目的想你幫忙 如果你濫用 我畀你嘅資料 你同埋你嘅家人 必須付出代價

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Poem dad

祝願諸君事事順 福臨香江樂年年

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Solution platform 100219

Solution platform 100219

Solution platform is for data trade for creators to create data solutions for healing, balance and peace

It is like cloud but with a trade function for all creators and learners

It is for flourish of creators and creations

Creators can create using data devices, network and solution platform

Creators create data creations and solutions using data devices on solution platform, solutions and creations are in timeline instantly copyrighted and time and date and location and identity stamped

Everyone who learn from each creations and solutions must pay the creator

Solution platform is creators heaven

Originals creations flourish

We have all the data on who viewed what when where who how

Creators can earn from creating and creators and creations would flourish and valued and rewarded

It is how it should be

It is how it must be.


大家平安 事順人和

Data machines create by mat 100219

Data machines create by mat 100219

Computer and mobile devices for communication by data from mankind

Data machines consist of
Operation system

If we can plug or slot in memories of operation system, data and application

Present year 2019, few year after introduction of cloud

If clients can earn with data they created and earn with data they own, that would make cloud sustainable

The horrible and terrify concept that not yet aware by most is our data memories is ever increasing which eats up our resources

Over 99.999999% of the world data is repeated and duplicated

We need originals

We need to locate creators of originals creations

We need to earn from our creations to flourish and sustain creators and creations

We need cloud to trade creations, to copyright creations

There are plenty and am sure everyone is creator in own field

If we have machines that help us to create and earn from our originals creations that would be a big step forward for mankind and creators and creations.

Saturday, February 9, 2019


應該兩字 能助我們 也能害我們 成功的人 覺得付出努力是應該的 失敗的人 覺得成功是 應該不付出努力的


一切皆緣 一切皆空 緣本是空 一切順水 習練平衡

One gold

一切皆緣 一切皆空 緣本是空 一切順水 習練半衡

Thursday, February 7, 2019

大家平安 事順人和

大家平安 事順人和


越走正途越受苦 代表成功不遠矣


不欺, 成功是遲早

Money earn

從正途賺的是正財 賺的每分每毫 也是實在 受之無愧 用得安心 睡得香 正財來得慢 去得更慢 邪財來得快 去得更快 非正途的是邪財 賺一分 虧一分以上 多多都是虛數 埋單時 虧本白幹 時時擔驚受恐 被人利用 如在浮沙上蓋房子 沙灘上寫字 一生白幹 如果你正在發邪財 無論任何代價 立即停止 或者慢慢停止 否則一生 替他人作嫁衣裳 浪費自己生命 替他人發財 自己付出代價 馬家成功秘訣 不欺不賭不毒 成功 唯一方法 就是不欺 不欺就是 成功唯一方法 馬家家訓 從來不欺

Tuesday, February 5, 2019


滿口仁義道德 個個衣冠禽獸

Monday, February 4, 2019


小馬自小容易焦慮 一直活得很辛苦 父母對小馬要求極高 要小馬成為聖人才合格 搞到小馬驚恐焦慮抑鬱 小馬考大學時 終於不勝壓力 要看醫生便開始服藥 醫生說小馬是天才 天才普遍有 焦慮抑鬱 很多天才英年早逝

Her gold


Sunday, February 3, 2019


她信 香港是個怎樣的地方呢 香港是一個國際大都會 世界三大 國際城市 紐約倫敦香港 人稱紐倫港 香港地理位置 位於世界中心 四通八達 四季氣候溫和 香港曾經有99年 由英國統治 喺英國嘅殖民地 1997年回歸中國大陸 香港貧富懸殊厲害 有些人打幾份工養家 有些人長期露宿街頭 有的只佔一個床位叫龍屋 有啲劏房一般50呎 接近1000尺算中型單位 據說李嘉誠房子幾萬呎 香港有一個不錯的政府 雖然經常吵吵鬧鬧 香港人很善心 也經常被騙 但是香港是福地 善心人有善報 香港政府醫療不錯 但與公營房屋一樣 輪候時間長 香港是 世界富豪最密集之地 香港的流動人口也最多 每天旅客川流不息進出這城市 自從1995年 有了電腦之後 之後有了智能電話 城市人大部分時間對住屏幕 人同人嘅接觸很少 斯文的無禮 溫柔的粗暴 是港人寫照 在這個城市 有很多好人 也有很多壞人 利用別人善良的心 謀取利益 傷害他人 善有善報 惡有惡報 若然未報 時辰未到 小馬也曾經多次 被利用受傷害 相信 希望 和愛 感恩茫茫人海中 你我遇上 望是善緣 不好的經歷 往往令人 失去信心 但我選擇相信 小馬

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Keys for solution platform 020219

Keys for solution platform 020219

Time place identity
Timeline calendar map identity
Learn earn heal
Solution creations
Audio video photo text
Subtle bells
River flow
Flow practice balance
Universe clock map
Food rest release
Buffet hotel outlet mix
Wear take stay move
Connect network
Family friends
Hong Kong
Work play
Warm cool
Clothes discs books
Small items
Fun joy peace
No abuse
Full transparent data
Full share data
Earn with experience
Earn with records
Earn with sharing our experience and recordings
Everyone pay a US dollar a week, four US dollars a month for using our service
One price four US dollars per month for all service from us
Which two US dollars from the four US dollars per month is for everyone to earn
Four dollars per month allow users to view and share and earn
Whatever you view within every month will counts in minutes and each minute of creation that you spend time on earns a share of the two dollar in that month
Though few cents here and there but its gives creators and creations rewards awards honour to carry on create

Mat whom is a creator create this idea in year 2010
Present year 2019 and it still to be achieved

Friday, February 1, 2019

City boy letter 010219

City boy letter 010219

Dear village boys and girls

Don’t come to city, city is endless pain fear and abuse

Mat is from city in city all life, there is nothing but abuse here

We hide ourselves under mobile phones and computers which goes wrong with the wind blows and nothing goes right

There is nothing we can do here, we feel effortless

No matter how hard we scream and fight, nothing changed

In village there is animals, stars and rivers

In city there is abuse, rubbish and screens

I wish I can settle in village one day but with me health I have to stick in city for me medicine

If u come to city, you will step in loose sand and drown like us just about to have sand over our top

City ones with great power yet unless, with great voice but silence because there is plenty better for the trophies and prizes of endless pain and fear of hell awaits

Me last advice…stay in village
Never come to city…if u r wise
Stay with the animals, stars and rivers.

Mankind 010219

Mankind 010219

Before mankind, there is no poverty thirst hunger
No pain
No machine lock plastic
No abuse bully con
No sickness
No learn earn heal
No weapon
No trade
No wear take stay move
No greed fear hatred
No time location identity
No music
No hospital no jail
No law no court
No gold
No scream no shout
no exhaust
no weakness
no grades
no schools no education
no prizes no certificates no trophies
when there is mankind there is endless poverty thirst hunger of endless greed fear hatred